How Dangerous Is Aluminum Foil?

The difference in color between the two sides of aluminum foil is due to its manufacturing process, which leaves one side brighter than the other.

Aluminum foil has been used in all kitchens for decades, thanks to its versatility and the uses to which it can be put. However, a debate has opened to assess the dangerousness of aluminum foil for preserving food.

The function of aluminum foil is in particular to wrap food, so as to keep it for longer, or to facilitate cooking.

A request was even made to the government by the Senate to ban it as a preventive measure in food. But the Minister replied that in the current state of knowledge, it does not appear necessary to strengthen the regulations concerning the dangerousness of aluminum foil in food.

Small amounts of aluminum can get into food

According to data from the European Food Safety Authority, foods that come into contact with foil or aluminum containers may contain small traces of this metal.

In very recent studies, it was also discovered that heat is responsible for the passage of aluminum particles in food. In fact, the higher the temperature, the greater the absorption of the metal by the food.

In this study, the aluminum levels of certain foods were checked after cooking, reheating or storing in aluminum foil. And quantities of this metal dangerous for health, are present.

The American University of Sharjah and the Abu Dhabi Institute of Petroleum, located in the United Arab Emirates, have revealed that aluminum penetrates quite easily in acidic foods and in plants such as tomatoes, spices, vinegar, citrus or salt.

Medium and long term health problems

As it enters the body, aluminum becomes lodged in the tissues of the body. And it can accumulate dangerously in some of them, especially in bone tissue.

A doubt exists for pregnant women. Because aluminum could theoretically pass into the placenta. And then it could get into the fetal brain.

In other hypotheses, it has been suggested that the accumulation of this metal could be linked to Alzheimer’s disease. As well as with certain types of cancer, and also a cause of infertility.

However, there is currently a lack of scientific evidence to definitively confirm the dangerousness of aluminum foil.

The Agency for the Registry of Toxic Substances and Diseases (ATSDR) assures us that we are all exposed to low levels of aluminum. Whether in the air, in the water, in the soil and in the food we eat. But that only high exposure can cause toxicity problems and disease.

Environmental pollution

The aluminum foil industry is one of the most polluting in the world, because of the negative environmental impact it generates.

Aluminum is a metal that comes from a mineral called bauxite, the extraction process of which causes rivers to deteriorate.

As if that weren’t enough, making aluminum foil is extremely energy intensive.

Tips for using aluminum foil better

  • Aluminum foil can be used on both sides.  Because the difference in color between the two sides of the paper is only the result of its manufacturing process.
  • You should avoid using aluminum foil to wrap acidic foods,  such as tomatoes, and all its derivatives. Instead of aluminum foil, you can use cling film.
  • We often use aluminum foil in our oven so as not to dirty our plates or dishes. You should avoid doing this. Because this prevents the even distribution of heat. And it can also affect the functioning of your appliance.
  • Do not use aluminum foil to store food in the refrigerator.
  • Instead of using aluminum foil, opt for other solutions like parchment paper. To keep food hot, it is best to use glass containers.

Remember that all of these warnings about how dangerous aluminum foil is in the kitchen are not backed by hard scientific evidence.

We are simply trying to educate you, the consumer, of the possible health consequences of regular use of aluminum foil. 

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