High Protein Chicken Burger

Despite their bad reputation, burgers can be considered a healthy food if we include them in a balanced diet and prepare them at home with ingredients from the best possible quality.

But what makes a chicken burger so special and ideal for our bodies? Well, it is that this is a high protein recipe.

What you need to know about the chicken burger recipe is that in order to take advantage of the nutrients it contains, it is necessary to correctly choose all the ingredients that it is made of. Here, it is of course the chicken which is the undisputed protagonist of this preparation.

Remember that chicken is rich in protein, especially the “lean” type, which is full of trace elements essential for the body. In addition, these are essential because the body does not produce them and can only obtain them through the consumption of certain types of food.

However, it is normal for burgers to be viewed as a negative and excessive source of carbohydrates, fats and cholesterol. However, what you may never have been told is that they depend mainly on the quality of the elements that compose it and the portions consumed.

Fortunately, it is possible to prepare a delicious homemade hamburger. And this with the best possible intake of high protein ingredients such as chicken or turkey. It is obvious that breaking myths about food and nutrition is fundamental to knowing the real implications of what we eat.

In this article, we bring you a high protein chicken burger recipe that you can easily make at home. It is simple, practical and does not betray the important values ​​that should be part of your diet.

How to make a high protein chicken burger?

chicken burger with fries

Can any source of protein be used in this recipe?

The answer to this question gives a somewhat misleading impression. Because theoretically, yes. Indeed, almost all the elements found in nature contain protein, which is why there are alternatives to meat such as soy or lentils.

However, not all proteins are complete and equal among themselves for the proper functioning and proper nutrition of the human body. In this sense, those that come from animals are those that contain all the essential and non-essential amino acids that the body needs.

And without them, the body cannot properly build muscle mass. Nor to secrete chemical compositions for the proper functioning of certain cells. Therefore, depriving yourself of meat completely is not necessarily good,  nor recommended. So you have to be really careful.

The best choice, and more for a recipe that involves a hamburger, and the option that has the best nutritional results, without a doubt, is white meats: chicken, turkey, fish, etc.

High protein chicken burger

chicken burger recipe


  • 2 slices of hamburger bread
  • 1 boneless chicken breast fillet (about 300 gr)
  • 2 slices of tomatoes
  • 2 romaine lettuce leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (15 ml)
  • 1 slice of mozzarella (95 gr)
  • 2 slices of pickles
  • 1 tablespoon of ketchup (15 gr)
  • 1 tablespoon of mustard (15 gr)


  1. First, wash the lettuce and tomato with a little vinegar and water, then let sit for 10 minutes to get rid of the bacteria.
  2. Pour the spoonful of olive oil into the hot pan.
  3. At the same time, put the chicken breast in a bowl and start seasoning it  with a little salt and pepper.
  4. Start cooking the chicken in the pan over low heat.
  5. Brown it a little on each side. This process will take you about ten minutes.
  6. Then, and before removing the pan from the heat, place the mozzarella slice on the chicken fillet and wait until it begins to melt a little.
  7. Once the chicken fillet  is cooked, you can proceed to dress your burger.
  8. Just like in the traditional hamburger recipe, if you wish, spread a little mustard and ketchup on the slices of bread. Then put the tomato and lettuce leaves.
  9. Then, arrange  the chicken breast with the cheese and the pickles.
  10. And voila, your protein-rich burger is ready! Treat yourself and bon appétit!

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