Harmful Consequences Of Sugar On The Liver

To purify your liver, you can replace sugar with other natural sweeteners, such as stevia, honey or maple syrup

In our articles, we have often told you about the harmful consequences of sugar on the body. However, we know that sometimes it is difficult to do without it because it makes our coffee delicious, our jams more enjoyable and our desserts more appealing.

However, it’s important to know that eliminating white sugar completely from your diet is a great way to improve your quality of life. This is one of the keys to reducing your suffering from liver-related illnesses that are so common today.

Today we want to tell you about the harmful consequences of sugar on the liver. As well as how you can cure the inflammations you already suffer from and take care of this organ, which is so important for our body.

The relationship between liver and sugar

the relationship between the liver and the harmful consequences of sugar

Our liver is the organ in our body responsible for purifying our body, synthesizing enzymes and building a store of glucose for our whole body. It helps keep sugar levels balanced, and other energy nutrients.

It is important to keep in mind that when we eat, the liver will store the sugar from the food we eat. When we need energy, or our organs and muscles ask for it, it will transform this sugar into glycogen.

What are the harmful consequences of sugar for our liver?

  • The white sugar that we consume every day is made up of equal parts of glucose and fructose. This last element is three times sweeter than the first.
  • Glucose can be metabolized by any organ, and does not cause too many problems, while fructose is only managed by the liver.
  • As a result, all of the fructose in the refined sugar goes to the liver, until it becomes too much of a load for it and prevents it from doing its job. 
  • When white sugar is consumed in excess, the liver converts almost all of it into fat. Do you know what happens next? The body develops resistance to insulin.
  • Our cells become more resistant to this hormone, and as the pancreas tries to balance sugar levels by producing more insulin, our body will accumulate more and more fat.
  • A high level of sugar and insulin in the blood disrupts the activity of the hormone called leptin. This substance is responsible for regulating the feeling of hunger.
  • A high level of insulin can also lead to high blood pressure problems and a drop in the good cholesterol in the blood, which is known as metabolic syndrome. All of this can cause “fatty liver” disease in particular.
  • Many people believe heavy ingestion of alcohol causes “fatty liver”. While in reality the harmful consequences of sugar are much more important for the health of this organ, because it inflames it and makes it sick.

How to cleanse your liver of excess sugar?

You should know that in order to have a healthy and strong liver, it is necessary to start avoiding the harmful consequences of sugar.

There are some great substitutes out there that you should include in your diet today.

  • Stevia
  • Honey
  • Agave nectar
  • Brown rice syrup
  • Xylitol
  • Rye malt
  • Maple syrup
  • Coconut sugar
  • Date sugar

Now find out how you can purge excess sugar from your liver, thereby optimizing its function.

1. Eat a clove of garlic on an empty stomach

Consumed on an empty stomach, garlic acts as a powerful natural antibiotic, which helps strengthen the health of the liver and pancreas. It eliminates bacteria, and reduces high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, helping us to clean our blood.

Remember: eat a clove of garlic on an empty stomach, and you will take care of your health!

2. Frozen lemon therapy

It is important to know that the lemon peel is the part of this citrus fruit that is the richest in antioxidants. This ability, added to its vitamin C content, allows us to purify and strengthen our liver.

To benefit from all the benefits of this citrus fruit, put it in the freezer. You just have to grate it to include its zest in your salads, in your daily oatmeal bowl or in your natural yogurt.

You will benefit from all the benefits of lemon, especially its skin. A wonderful remedy for your liver!

3. Artichoke water

Artichokes, and especially the water they cook with, are ideal for purifying the liver. They purify it and provide it with vitamins which fortify it and regenerate it.


Cook two artichokes in a liter of water. Once they are quite soft, set the artichokes aside and keep the water that results from their cooking. Pour it into a glass bottle and add the juice of a lemon. Drink this water throughout the day, and consume a first cup in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Repeat this treatment for 10 days in a row, once a month.

4. The best foods to cleanse and strengthen your liver

  • Grapefruit, or pomelo
  • Green tea
  • The green vegetables
  • Chlorophyll
  • Avocado
  • Broccoli
  • Apple
  • Olive oil and linseed oil
  • Brown rice

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