Getting Away From People Who Don’t Deserve Us Is Healthy

Often times we get attached to people who don’t deserve our affection and who only seek their own benefit from our contact. Better to stay away from it so that our self-esteem is not compromised.

There are people who don’t deserve us. To realize this, however curious it may be, is also an exercise in health and well-being.

There is something that we always invest time and effort in: being accepted by the people around us. That is, we seek to be deserving of the admiration of others, friendship, affection and tenderness.

To view our existence through this psychological prism is, however, a mistake.

Relations must be perfect dynamics concerning the investments and the profits of each one. The “ I offer you so much and you give me so much” is not a selfish act but an act of reciprocity.

If I offer you respect and tenderness, I deserve the same. Realizing this will help us a lot in our relationships.

We suggest you think about it in this article.

People who don’t give you time don’t deserve youpeople who

We know that if there is something that we are missing at the end of the day, it’s time. But when we have it, we know how to spend it: with those who matter to us.

  • If someone close to you does not practice this “common sense” with you, it is because they do not value you the way you deserve.
  • On the other hand, you should know that the principle of reciprocity does not exclude us ourselves. If you love someone, show it to them by offering them quality time and time.

If you don’t, the person may start to pull away from you.

Anyone who looks at you but doesn’t see you, anyone who listens to you but doesn’t hear you doesn’t deserve you either

There is a difference between looking and seeing, and between listening and hearing.

We need to be able to develop a closer depth when we build healthy relationships. We must learn to “see and listen” with the heart.

  • There are couples who get used to the mere presence of the other as having a piece of furniture by their side.
  • They hear voices and see their silhouettes but do not notice their sadness and do not participate in their personal universe.
  • Healthy and rewarding communication is where you talk and listen, where there is empathy and genuine interest. We work hard to decipher everything that is sometimes found beyond simple words.

If your spouse doesn’t see you, while they are by your side every day, maybe you should reconsider your relationship.

Anyone who doesn’t give you space, breathe, or talk doesn’t deserve you

Anyone who occupies your spaces leaving you aside, who undermines your values, who ridicules your actions and your words does not deserve you.

  • Remember that there are people who doodle personalities and negate identities.
  • We are talking, for example, of those parents who strive to control their children to the extreme, of those toxic spouses who dominate the loved one, or even of those business leaders who confuse leadership with oppression.

Avoid this type of dynamic and set limits. Be careful that nothing and no one breaks the pretty fabric of your self-esteem.

Anyone who offers you selfishness in exchange for selflessness does not deserve youpeople who

No one forces us to take care of others, do them favors, devote time to them, and perform those altruistic acts that simply come from the heart and expect nothing in return.

But, there are people who take these attention marks as rights. Who think that this nobility is a course to which to cling to weave their own interests and do not hesitate to become demanding, to ask for things that end up making us uncomfortable.

If you feel in such a situation, if you notice that someone is practicing selfishness with you and taking advantage of your kindness, put some distance.

Whoever lies to you one day as well as the next does not deserve you

The lies that hurt the most come from the ones we love the most. We are aware that lies or half-truths are very common in everyday life.

  • But, there is a threshold of tolerance. We accept these half-truths which consist in avoiding being sincere for fear of what will be said or for simple fear or shame.
  • However, what few tolerate is the sassy lie, one that hides underground dimensions that directly affect the other.
  • If you are sure someone is lying to you right now, don’t hesitate to speak with that person and ask them why.
    Depending on how she reacts, and her attitude following the first warning, act.

To conclude, remember that personal and emotional integrity is our daily priority.

Remember we all deserve something. What surrounds you should be beautiful, meaningful and fulfilling.

Because you deserve it.

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