Get Rid Of Tartar Permanently And Naturally

Did you know that activated charcoal, of vegetable origin, is one of the best remedies for whitening and cleaning your teeth? Use it in moderation so as not to damage your enamel.

Tartar is a yellow plaque of bacteria that builds up on our tooth enamel and hardens, especially near the gum tissue, for several reasons. It spoils our teeth. That is why it is important to know ways to remove tartar.

In this article, we will tell you about the causes as well as how to remove tartar in the most natural way possible. Thanks to our food, with natural remedies and a few simple tips …

 Causes of tartar

  • The main cause of tartar is eating a diet that is too acidic, rich in sugars, refined foods and bad fats. Even though many people think the main reason is poor oral hygiene, it wouldn’t be as necessary if we consumed enough raw fruits and vegetables.
  • Poor dental hygiene contributes to the development of bacterial plaque.
  • Coffee, black tea and tobacco.

Using baking soda twice a week can help remove tartar.

Why should we avoid the formation of tartar?

Tartar is not just an aesthetic problem. If there is no prevention or treatment, over time this buildup of bacteria can cause inflammation of the gums, which can lead to gingivitis.

Beneficial foods and supplements

  • The most recommended foods are raw fruits and vegetables , especially apples and green leafy vegetables like spinach, chard, lettuce, arugula, etc.
  • Sesame , for its high calcium content.
  • Stevia is a plant that acts as a natural sweetener. It is very beneficial for our teeth.
  • Seawater is a remineralizing supplement that helps us wash and strengthen our teeth, while being alkaline.
  • Coenzyme Q-10 is recommended when tartar also causes gingivitis.
  • White clay for oral use helps us bring alkalis to our body and improves the pH of our mouth.

Sesame is one of the foods that helps eliminate tartar.

Oil mouthwashes

Sunflower oil mouthwashes are a method of healing from the Ayurvedic culture of India. They allow us to clean our teeth, treat mouth problems as well as evacuate toxins and clean our mouths thoroughly. They are particularly recommended in case of oral infections, gum problems, dental plaque, yellow or weakened teeth.

All we need is a little cold-pressed sunflower or sesame oil. In this article, we explain in detail how to deal with the most common mouth problems.

Activated carbon

Activated charcoal is an excellent remedy for whitening and removing tartar.  It also prevents diseases of the mouth. You can get them at herbalists or health food stores. Just brush your teeth well with this powder for two minutes. Despite its black color, after rinsing your mouth well, you will see that your teeth are cleaner.

It is essential that the charcoal is of vegetable origin (wood, coconut, etc.) and that it does not come from petroleum.

Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda

Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent treatment for natural whiteness, which is why it can be used once a week. Add three drops to your toothbrush.

Baking soda is another ancient remedy for removing tartar as well as preventing oral acidity. We can use it to brush our teeth gently so as not to scratch the enamel. It is not recommended to do this more than twice a week.

Some tips to finish

As we have seen in this article, it is essential to have good dental hygiene on a daily basis:

  • Brush your teeth after each meal , for at least two minutes, paying particular attention to all teeth and molars.
  • Ecological and natural toothpastes are recommended, since conventional toothpastes contain substances that are too aggressive for the pH of our mouth.
  • It is important to floss every night before going to bed, to get rid of food scraps stuck between our teeth.
  • You can also use a mouthwash. If you want it to be natural, make one from an infusion of thyme and mint or with sea water diluted in two and a half times the equivalent amount of fresh water.
  • If the tartar is old, go to the dentist for a scaling. On the other hand, it should not be done too often, since it could damage our enamel.

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