Foods To Cleanse Our Phlegm

Did you know that pineapple is one of the best foods for asthmatics? Its properties help us reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract and dissolve phlegm.

The problem of phlegm is very common. A simple cold, sinusitis, or asthma can block our airways, obstructing our breathing and can become very annoying.

How to avoid it? There are various foods that can be of great help to you. We explain everything to you.

Relieve phlegm with the following foods

sick child

What is phlegm really and why do we suffer from it? Thick mucus, otherwise known as phlegm, is thus secreted by several cells in our body as a response to an infection or a virus.

The problem arises when it gets too thick, is emitted in excess, and we cannot easily remove it. If the phlegm is dark or yellowish in color, this is a sign of an infection.

It is when we suffer from allergies and colds that phlegm is formed.

If we can’t get rid of them, they can block our airways, store in our lungs, or cause painful sinusitis. So you have to be very careful.

It is important to know that there are many foods that can decrease excess phlegm by treating the infection.

Remember that food always has an important role when it comes to improving our health.

1. Ginger and lemon

ginger and lemon to fight against phlegm

The infusion of ginger and lemon is rich in antioxidants, a natural source of vitamin C. It acts as a natural antibiotic capable of cleaning our body of toxins, viruses and bacteria.

This infusion is therefore excellent. It also acts as a cell protector that prevents the build-up of phlegm. 

Do not hesitate to make several infusions per day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon for example.

First make a decoction of ginger then add the juice of half a lemon. You will see the good it will do for you.

2. The healing properties of pineapple

pineapple juice

Pineapple is the best ally of asthmatics. Its properties come from bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme that helps relieve bronchitis and pneumonia for example.

If you drink a glass of natural fresh pineapple juice, you will benefit from an excellent anti-inflammatory which is great for your lungs and for fighting asthma.

You will breathe easier and relieve inflammation in your airways. Don’t doubt it, pineapple is a therapeutic wonder.

3. The remedy with grapefruit and watermelon

grapefruit and watermelon juice

Grapefruit is very important and you have to take it into account.

Consuming one grapefruit a day greatly improves your health as it has the power to reduce the amount of salt in your body, clear phlegm and swelling from our airways.

It acts as an excellent natural anti-inflammatory.

A really nice way to make yourself a simple phlegm remedy is to mix fresh watermelon juice with grapefruit juice.

Combined together, they help eliminate toxins and dissolve phlegm. You will like it!

4. Orange and kiwi juice

orange and kiwi slices

It is an ideal medicinal juice for the morning. It is a natural injection of vitamin C and antioxidants that we should not overlook.

When paired, oranges and kiwis blend together to act as true phlegm warriors, flushing out toxins and reducing inflammation.

Well worth a try!

5. The best vegetables you must not do without

vegetable and quinoa soup

So take note of the vegetables that you should include in your diet when you are suffering from phlegm: garlic, celery, onion, asparagus and cauliflower.

Always consume them fresh and you will thus benefit from a perfect defense against all infectious diseases.

You can prepare a soup with these vegetables, to help you remove phlegm and dissolve it completely.

They indeed boost our immune system and must be present in our food.  They are also natural antibiotics.

6. The best medicinal herbs

medicinal herbs

They clear our bronchi, open our airways, act like natural antibiotics and are also pillars of natural medicine that are of great help to us.

You can infuse yourself with these herbs, or simply add them to your salads and dishes, because they never lose their properties.

Want to know which herbs help us clear phlegm? Here they are: mint, eucalyptus, thyme and rosemary.

They thus reduce inflammation and can even be used to treat children.

You can find them in natural stores and they are not very expensive either. Try them out!

Foods to avoid with phlegm

glass of milk

Be very careful because there are certain foods that can make your phlegm worse.

Indeed, sometimes, unwittingly, you can increase their impact, and ultimately the entire disease. It is therefore important to take into account that you must avoid the following foods:

  • Dairy products such as milk,  yogurt, creams, ice creams …
  • Foods of animal origin such as meat.  These foods are known to increase phlegm in our body, especially gastric phlegm.
  • Oils and Fats:  Pork fat and butter are your two big enemies if you suffer from phlegm, avoid them. So prefer, for example, olive oil

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