Eliminate Your Double Chin With Clay And Cucumber

Double chin is an accumulation of fatty tissue below the chin, which is an unsightly problem.

It is often due to excess weight and flaccidity of the tissues. However, it can also be caused by health problems.

We will walk you through what you need to get rid of that double chin for good, with a few tips, and a great home remedy based on clay and cucumber, below.

The benefits of clay

One of the factors that most influences the appearance of double chin is poor lymphatic drainage. It indeed causes an accumulation of fats and toxins in this area.

clay has excellent properties to facilitate the expulsion of these substances in a natural way, through the pores of the skin.

In the past, mud was often applied to treat many health problems, but now we have several varieties of clean clay.

The most used clays are green and red, but to decrease double chin you can use whichever you prefer.

Take note of the many benefits of clay:

  • It will help relieve inflammation in the chin area, which is useful if the double chin is the result of tensions in the mandibular muscles.
  • It will eliminate and drain toxins through the pores of the skin.
  • Finally, it will remineralize the skin, providing nutrients essential to its good health.

double chin

The benefits of cucumber

Cucumber is a food that helps tone the skin. This virtue will allow you to fight the flaccidity of your tissues, which occurs under your chin due to aging and exposure to the sun.

Cucumber is used in many natural treatments as an excellent tonic, because in addition to giving the skin all its firmness, it will deeply hydrate it.

For this treatment, you will need all of the cucumber, including the peel, as we will explain later in this article.

How to prepare your mask?

  • To prepare this remedy you will need powdered clay and fresh cucumber juice.
    If you don’t have a blender, you can mash the flesh of the cucumber, then strain. Keep the skin without mixing it.
  • Instead of preparing the clay with water, mix it with the juice of the cucumber. This will allow you to multiply the effects of these two ingredients, to achieve an effective mask against the double chin.
  • Remember that in order not to lose the properties of clay, you should not use any plastic or metal utensils or containers. Opt for glass, terracotta or wood.
  • The texture of this preparation should be smooth, and free from lumps. It should not be too dry, so that it can be applied easily, nor too liquid, so that it does not run excessively.

How to apply your mask?

  • Apply a layer of this preparation on your double chin, about half a centimeter thick, and leave it on until it dries completely (about half an hour).
    During this waiting time, try not to talk or move around too much.
  • Then remove the mask with lukewarm water and then apply cold water to your face to tighten your pores.
  • After drying your skin well, apply on your double chin, the inside part of the cucumber skin that you have reserved.
    Its hydrating and toning effects will do you a lot of good. In addition, it will calm the irritation of your skin which, after applying the mask, may be a little red.
  • When the skin of the cucumber is completely dry, remove it, then apply a moisturizer.

Repeat the operation every 2 or 3 days, for a minimum, at least.  Space the apps out depending on the results you get.double chin

Some additional tips

To get the results you want, we are going to share with you some simple tips, in addition to this natural remedy:

  • Eat a balanced diet rich in antioxidants.
  • Do facial exercises to relax and tone the area.
  • Take our natural treatment for hypothyroidism, if you have it, as this condition can cause a double chin.
  • Apply a sunscreen suitable for your skin.
  • Maintain good posture when seated.
  • Take a natural treatment for bruxism if you suffer from tension in the jaw area.
  • If you are overweight, go on a gradual diet. If you diet too drastically, sudden weight loss can make your skin flabby worse.

Images by The Style PA, Stacey Spensley and Dd.

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