Eliminate Fat, Deflate The Stomach And Cleanse The Colon With This Natural Smoothie

The properties of its ingredients and its vitamin contribution make this juice an ideal supplement to cleanse us when we feel bloated. Remember to supplement its consumption with plenty of water.

One of the keys to shedding fat and getting a flatter stomach is having a healthy colon. Do not hesitate any longer and cleanse the colon without further delay!

This organ is responsible for eliminating toxins, balancing electrolytes and absorbing essential nutrients the body needs.

Although it is part of the organs called excretory organs, it sometimes has difficulty purifying itself because of the toxin overload.

These come from industrial foods, polluted environments and particles of chemicals with which we live every day.

The main problem is that the accumulation of waste leads to alterations in the inflammatory processes of the body and almost always gives rise to serious illnesses.

Fortunately, there are natural methods that can detoxify it so that it works in perfect conditions and that it stimulates weight loss.

In this article, we would like to reveal to you the recipe for a natural smoothie whose nutritional properties support these tasks without adding too many calories.

Are you ready to give it a try?

Natural smoothie to purify the colon, eliminate fat and reduce inflammation in the belly

The natural smoothie to purify the colon and lose weight is obtained thanks to the association of several ingredients with digestive and slimming properties that regulate intestinal transit and facilitate the expulsion of waste.

The detoxification process lasts two weeks, during which time you have to cut back on dairy products, fats, sugars and canned foods.

To better understand the benefits it brings us, we are going to detail the properties of each of its ingredients here.

Cleanse the colon with the virtues of pineapple

Cleanse the colon with pineapple.

Pineapple is a tropical fruit which is characterized by its high content of water, digestive enzymes and antioxidant substances.

It is a rich source of vitamins A, B and C. In addition to minerals like iron, magnesium and zinc.

Almost 85% of its composition is water. This explains its low calorie content and its powerful diuretic action.

Thanks to its high concentration of bromelain, a natural enzyme, it controls inflammation, fights constipation and increases the production of red blood cells.

Pineapple is used to improve digestion, fight against intestinal parasites and it is one of the best alternatives to fight the accumulation of fat and cellulite.

The virtues of cucumber

Considered one of the most complete and healthy vegetables, cucumber is a source of dietary fiber, antioxidants and alkaline substances.

It is made up of 97% water but it also contains vitamins A, B, C and E. And minerals like calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Its diuretic power regulates the production of fluids in the body, combats high levels of inflammation and helps improve uric acid control, blood pressure and digestive difficulties.

Cleanse the colon with the virtues of apple

Cleanse the colon with the apple.

The apple is a fruit rich in pectin. A type of dietary fiber that regulates bowel movement and helps control cholesterol. 

It is anti-inflammatory, improves digestion and controls excess acidity in the stomach and in the blood.

The consumption of an apple per day is directly linked to the decrease in the risk of obesity, rheumatic and cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, it has diuretic and purifying properties that boost kidney and colon cleansing.

The virtues of aloe vera

Aloe vera contains a prodigious gel that provides 19 of the 22 essential acids that the body needs.

It is the ultimate remedy for the skin. Because it facilitates the expulsion of toxins and helps to avoid acne, streaks and cellulite.

It has a mild laxative effect which decreases inflammation of the belly. While regulating bowel movement for the expulsion of waste.

Thanks to its properties, it improves metabolism and helps to burn fat more easily.

Cleanse the colon with the virtues of orange

Cleanse the colon with orange.

Orange is the last ingredient in this natural drink. It has a high content of vitamin C, in addition to vitamins A, B and E.

It acts as a natural disinfectant and purifier ideal for cleaning the colon, liver and kidneys.

Orange is rich in antioxidants and helps curb cell damage to prevent premature aging.

How to prepare this natural smoothie?

Cleanse the colon with this smoothie.

The recipe for this smoothie is very simple to prepare and does not require any expensive or difficult to acquire ingredients.

You need to :

  • 1 pineapple slice
  • ½ cucumber
  • 1 green apple
  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera (30 g)
  • The juice of an orange
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)


  • Put all the ingredients in the blender, with the juice of an orange and mix for a few moments.
  • After obtaining a smooth drink, serve and consume as quickly as possible.
  • Enjoy it on an empty stomach for two weeks in a row.

For a complete detoxification, we recommend that you supplement this drink with the daily consumption of 6 or 8 glasses of water. Do not hesitate any longer and cleanse the colon today!

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