Eggplant Helps You Reduce Belly Fat

Eggplant is very low in calories, making it an effective food for slimming and reducing belly fat quickly.

One of the places where fat deposits accumulate the most is around the waistline, in both men and women. We can cure this problem with eggplant.

But it is also one of the areas that can be reduced quickly since by following a few diet tips and changing a few habits, we can notice a great improvement.

In this article, we explain how eggplant helps you reduce abdominal fat, and we give you some suggestions and recipes to eat it in a light and original way.

More specifically, we will explain what the eggplant-based cure consists of and give you tips for preparing delicious breaded eggplants.

Eggplant makes you lose weight

Why did we select eggplant to help us slim down and reduce our waistline?

  • Eggplant is very rich in water and fiber, which makes it a satiating food. That is, you will not feel the need to eat other foods that make you fat and that do not bring any feeling of fullness.
  • It is low in calories and the body expends more calories digesting it than consuming it.
  • It is diuretic, and therefore helps us eliminate excess fluids from our body. Eggplant is very effective when we are feeling bloated.
  • In case you suffer from constipation, which is also the cause of an excessively large belly, eggplant helps us to fight against it in a natural way thanks to its high fiber content.
    In this way, the intestines will function better, will not become inflamed and thus will not create an enlargement at the level of the waistline.
  • Eggplants contain an amount of minerals that help us balance the nervous system.
    This is fundamental to avoid anxiety and binge eating because at these times we eat too much, without chewing, and high calorie foods.
  • Eggplant facilitates the functioning of the liver and the gallbladder, which is essential for proper digestion, especially fats. In this way, we will assimilate the food better and we will prevent it from turning into reserves.
  • Finally, eggplant also has the purifying properties that help us eliminate toxins from our body, which, in addition to reducing the accumulation of fat, allows us to get rid of toxic substances that can be the cause of multiple diseases in the future.

Discover eggplant water

One of the lightest and healthiest ways to benefit from all of its properties is to prepare eggplant water:

  • Wash a medium eggplant, peel it and cut it into small cubes.
  • Put the dice in a dark glass bottle, with half a liter of water.
  • Leave to macerate overnight.
  • The next morning, add the juice of half a lemon, which will stimulate its taste and properties. Finally add a dash of sea water.

Drink this drink half an hour before the main meals for a week, and you can repeat this purifying cure once a month, when you feel it is necessary.

Light breaded eggplants

Breaded eggplant.

Usually we think that breaded food contains high amounts of fat and calories but in this case we offer you a delicious and very light recipe of simple and breaded eggplants:

  • Soak the sliced ​​eggplant in water and salt for at least an hour. Then strain it for a while.
  • Put the eggplant slices in the beaten and lightly salted egg, then in the ground oats or in flakes, depending on whether you prefer a more or less crunchy or fine breading.
    Oats are a very nutritious grain that helps us lose weight. 
  • Put the eggplants in the oven with a little good quality olive oil. And, if you wish, add aromatic spices to it.
  • Cook the eggplants until they are very soft. They must remain very soft on the inside and very crunchy in the breadcrumbs.

If you have guests, you can make these breaded eggplants. And for people who do not follow a diet, you can accompany them with tomato and goat cheese.

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