Egg And Beer Treatment For Silky And Healthy Hair

To avoid the harmful effects, it is very important to use non-alcoholic beer, as it can dry out the hair more instead of improving their appearance.

Our hair is exposed to a series of assaults which can cause dryness, weakening and excessive fall.

We want to keep them clean and shiny. However, their continued exposure to the sun, the use of hot instruments and certain chemicals cause noticeable damage.

However, not all commercial treatments help us revitalize them. Many are so expensive that we cannot access them.

What some do not know is that there are 100% natural remedies that offer exciting effects in restoring their healthy appearance.

On this occasion, we offer you a treatment with eggs and beer, two ingredients rich in nutrients that strengthen and renew the strands of the hair.

Do you dare to try it?

Eggs and beer to revitalize your hair naturally

This conditioning mask is one of those inexpensive home treatments that help us make our hair look better when it starts to deteriorate due to lack of specific care.

It combines the properties of two ingredients that provide important benefits for the health of the hair, solving the main problems that affect their beauty.

Benefits of egg on hair

egg care for your hair

Eggs are one of the 100% natural products that can help invigorate hair when it loses its shine and strength due to environmental stress.

  • It is a concentrate of large quantities of proteins of high biological value whose assimilation strengthens the hair follicle to prevent strand breakage.
  • These substances increase hair thickness and reduce excessive hair loss.
  • it also provides essential fatty acids and vitamin E, necessary to maintain hydration and shine from root to tip.
  • It cleanses the scalp and reduces the excess production of fat, dead cells and dandruff.

Benefits of beer for hair

beer care for your hair

Beer is one of the natural ingredients that contain nutrients that are beneficial for the health of our hair. Indeed, she:

  • Is an important source of vitamin B (B1, B2, B6, folic acid and biotin), necessary to control the problems of falling and growth.
  • Contains malt and hops, which provide easily assimilated protein. They help keep hair strong and thick.
  • Regenerates hair cells and provides a protective effect against toxins and harmful chemicals.
  • Reduces dehydration and prevents frizz and split ends.
  • Is a natural conditioner that seals the cuticles and increases the silky and shiny appearance.

How to prepare this treatment with eggs and beer?

Regular application of this egg and beer treatment can be a supplement to detoxify the hair and promote its growth.

These ingredients cleanse the scalp and prevent the appearance of fungus. Bacteria and other microorganisms that cause infections and dandruff.

The ideal is to do a small test to check that there are no adverse reactions. This while taking into account that each person may have different reactions.


  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1 can of non-alcoholic beer (33 cl)


  • Pour the egg yolks into a bowl and beat them for a few minutes.
  • Empty the can of beer into a glass and wait a few minutes to remove the gas.
  • Once there is no more gas, mix with the young beaten eggs.
  • Integrate it all and apply it when you get a consistent product.

Mode of application

  • Separate the hair into several strands and distribute the treatment over the entire scalp.
  • After covering the roots, use the remaining mixture to cover the strands to the points.
  • Cover everything, take a good shower and leave for 30 to 40 minutes.
  • After this period, rinse with lukewarm or cold water and leave to dry outside.
  • Repeat its use 2-3 times a week for best results.

Ready for silky, soft hair? If you still can’t fix your hair with nutrient treatment, make this recipe. And repair these assaults without spending large sums on expensive products sold on the market.

Keep in mind that although its effects are not immediately visible, from the first application, you will be able to feel your hair cleaner and hydrated.

Use this treatment as part of your beauty routine and check all its properties in a short time.

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