Double Chin: Three Miraculous And Little-known Remedies

To obtain good results and reduce double chin, it is very important to combine external remedies, appropriate diet and facial exercise program.

The double chin is an aspect of our face which makes our features and our profile ugly, and which is difficult to eliminate, unless we resort to cosmetic surgery.

In this article, we are going to give you three surprising natural remedies that will help you prevent double chin and get rid of it with a little persistence.

How to fight against a double chin?

To eliminate the double chin, we need to act in two ways, simultaneously:

  • Promote the elimination of toxins (fats, liquids etc.) which accumulate under the chin.
  • Improve the hydration of the skin, to give it elasticity, firmness and prevent flaccidity.

From these two premises, here are two home and natural remedies to eliminate double chin, a mask, hydration lotion, as well as a surprising exercise.

The clay and yogurt mask for the double chin

Clay is an essential ingredient for health and beauty, as it has the ability to absorb toxins through the pores of the skin, while providing a large amount of minerals.

The appearance of our skin improves as well as its flexibility and firmness.

Clay is an excellent remedy to fight against double chin because it allows us to eliminate substances that accumulate in the area while reducing the flaccidity of the skin.

When we mix clay with water, we get a poultice that could dry out the skin even more.

That’s why we suggest mixing it with plain yogurt, to add a touch of hydration while letting the clay achieve its goals.

How to do ?

  • Mix the powdered green clay with plain yogurt until you have a paste that is liquid enough that you can put a thick layer on the double chin area, but not so much that it dribbles.
  • To prepare it, never use utensils or metal or plastic containers, as they remove the virtues of clay. Opt for a glass, wood or porcelain container.
  • Do not apply it or leave it on for more than 15 or 20 minutes. Then remove with water.
  • Repeat the process once or twice a week.
  • After this treatment, moisturize the skin.

Lemon Lemon Wheat Germ Oil for Double Chin

To give elasticity to the skin and avoid flaccidity, it is very important to choose the right moisturizing lotion. Here, we offer you a house blend with two house ingredients:

Wheat germ oil

This vegetable oil is excellent for the skin, thanks to its high content of group B vitamins and minerals.

In addition, it is rich in vitamin E, which has strong antioxidant properties that prevent aging.

Finally, it gives it firmness and lightens the complexion slightly.

The lemon

The other essential ingredient for this lotion is lemon, which can be used in the form of fresh juice or as an essential oil.

It stimulates circulation, helps dissolve fat, improves fluid removal and tones the skin. It is therefore an ideal complement.

You must try not to expose yourself to the sun after application so as not to stain your skin. Instead, apply this preparation in the evening.

The tongue exercise for the double chin

If you put yourself in profile and look at yourself in the mirror, you will see that when you stick your tongue out, your double chin shrinks amazingly.

This gives us a clue of how could influence the tension that builds up at the base of the tongue along with the flaccidity of the skin of the neck.

This is why we can do this exercise two or three times a week. While doing some other activity such as watching TV, reading, or working at the computer:

  • With your jaw relaxed, gradually stick out your tongue. Until you can no longer, without hurting yourself. Notice how stretched the base of the tongue can be.
  • Put your tongue in, relax it, take a deep breath, and repeat the exercise.
  • Do this 15 times in a row.

During the day, try to become aware of your tongue. To feel if it is relaxed at the base of the mouth, or if it is tense, stuck to the palate.

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