Do You Suffer From Neck And Back Pain? Here Are Some Tips

Neck and back pain is due to physical and emotional reasons and therefore it is necessary to adopt a program of physical exercises, as well as new habits of life.

Computers, tablets, smartphones… they are recurrent in our life. However, their use can produce neck and back pain.

Sometimes even, the discomfort intervenes even in the arms.

Of course, the solution is not to abandon them. No. Instead, we need to add exercises and activities to our daily lives that alleviate the side effects of continued use.

Before advising you on good exercises, we believe that it is essential to explain to you why these lesions occur in this area of ​​the body.

Muscle contractures, the cause of back and neck pain

Contractures are injuries that result from our muscles remaining in tension for too long.

When this happens, the famous “knots” appear. They are the result of the inability of our muscles to return to a relaxed position.

The contracture is more or less acute depending on the strength of the muscles. Thus, the more they are weakened, the greater the pain.

The neck and back are also sensitive because we don’t use them to pick up or carry things, because we don’t take care of them. It is only when we perceive these symptoms that we are reminded of their existence.

Doing exercises that relax and strengthen the back and neck is therefore essential.

You will also need to make some changes in your life to relieve stress. Otherwise, you will be contracted permanently. 

Exercises to avoid neck and back pain

Before you start with these exercises, make sure you are sitting in the correct position. We recommend that you adopt the lotus pose, but if you cannot, you must have a straight back.

Then it is the moment of breathing. This is very important because it depends on how you oxygenate your body.

The ideal is to do it slowly: when you inhale, inflate the belly and when you exhale, deflate it. Thus, you will reach a state of relaxation that will help you to eliminate tension.

1. Turn your head left and right

  • Start by turning your head to both sides, but keeping your neck in the center.
  • Exercise should be gradual. Otherwise, the risk of injury increases dramatically.
  • Repeat this five times on each side.

2. Tilt your head back

Do it slowly, with your back straight and neck in the center.

  • Lean it first to your back and then to your chest.
  • Do the movement five times as before.
  • Don’t get agitated, since intensity isn’t the key here.

3. Tilt your head 

This is to put the ears parallel to the shoulders. If you do this with too much force, you might feel a cramping or stretching sensation.

  • Make subtle movements and rest for a few seconds in the center. 
  • Then repeat 5 times.

4. Rotate your head to relieve back pain 

Now is the time to make a full circle, respecting the initial position. If you arch your back too much or move your neck, you may apply pressure that is harmful to the neck.

  • Start the rotation to the right and when you finish each movement your chin should touch your chest.
  • Do 5 laps and repeat again, to the left this time.

5. Stretch the cervicals

  • Turn your face to the right and lower your chin slightly, effortlessly.
  • Then put your hand on the upper part behind the head and gently press down. Make sure your shoulders are relaxed.
  • Hold the position, without jumping or moving, for 10 seconds.
  • Do the same to the left.

Take advantage of your free time to fight neck and back pain

Finally, we want to remind you that back pain and neck pain also appear due to stress. In addition to these exercises, therefore, try to reserve time for leisure and relaxation. 

Make a list of activities that you enjoy doing and add them to your daily life as possible.

There are people who allow themselves moments of relaxation only when they have fulfilled all their obligations. However, it is common to enter a spiral where duty is endless.

This is the reason why it is important to work out schedules or to enroll in a course or group with fixed schedules. This strategy will allow you to truly engage.

Good health is the conjunction of good physical and mental condition. As soon as one of the two has a flaw, the other suffers. So think about what you would like to do and what you are not doing.

What did you stop doing because of work or family? Do you miss doing things with certain people?

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