Discover This Incredible Treatment To Fight Against Oily Skin

Here in this article is an incredible recipe to fight against oily skin and reduce the sebum that makes the skin shine.

It is common to have oily skin. It is an excess of sebum due to a tendency of the pores to produce a larger quantity of sebum in the epidermis.

Several factors will influence its appearance: genetics, hormonal conditions, eating habits, hygiene, and of course the environment.

Fortunately, there are plenty of alternatives for treating oily skin. We present to you in this article an extremely simple but effective treatment to help you take care of the skin on your face.

However, we must not forget to nourish and hydrate your skin, because these are two fundamental aspects.

Regardless of your skin type, it is still necessary to protect your skin from the sun’s rays with a sun filter. By accumulating good habits, you will be able to maximize the action of specialized treatments.

On the other hand, you have to be careful with the makeup products you use, as many of them do not let the skin breathe properly.

Mask for oily skin

You can take advantage of the properties of some natural ingredients to improve the condition of your facial skin. The ideal mask for combating oily skin contains the following ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon of turmeric (10 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of soft drink (20 g)
  • A few drops of lemon (5 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (10 g)
  • 1 aloe vera leaf (30 g)

This mask has a purifying, anti-inflammatory and revitalizing power. You can apply it all over your face, even under the eyes. The only area that should be avoided are the eyelids and lips.

woman making turmeric mask to fight oily skin

The preparation of this mask is extremely easy, you just have to mix all the ingredients, being careful to use very clean utensils.

Once a homogeneous mixture is obtained, you should apply it to your clean, dry face, and leave it on for 20 minutes. Then remove with plenty of water. It is best to apply this mask in the evening.

At first, this mask may make your skin slightly red, but this is a temporary effect of the active ingredients in the mixture.

For sensitive skin, it is best to first test the mask on the back of the skin of your neck where the hair grows, then leave it on for 10 minutes and observe the reaction.

Why is aloe vera good for you?

Aloe vera is one of the most useful natural ingredients for the skin. It can even be used as a natural antibiotic. It contains a lot of nutrients, and the most important thing is that it has a light texture.

This is why aloe vera is absorbed quickly and penetrates several layers of the skin of the face.

The gel of this plant has the ability to regenerate damaged cells and reduce the action of free radicals. It also helps to hydrate and soften the skin.

These are two important factors when you have oily skin, because excess sebum appears when the skin of the face is dehydrated. Indeed, an imbalance of the lipolytic layer is created, which causes the appearance of impurities.

Why is turmeric good for the skin?

Turmeric is a species of plant that is used extensively in India and has many anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties.

Some may know it as “Indian Saffron”. Turmeric helps relieve sun burns and acts as a natural exfoliant to remove dead cells.

It is a species of plant known to fight against cases of hirsutism, but also to fight against skin spots, acne and premature aging of the skin. In short, it is an excellent healing agent.

Lemon against oily skin

Lemon contains vitamin C, a powerful natural antioxidant. It effectively reduces sebum production and cleanses blackheads.

Lemon is also known to remove stains from the skin and for its whitening action. In addition, it allows to obtain a luminous skin and a fine skin texture because it regulates the pH of the skin.

honey and lemon to fight oily skin

Honey against oily skin

Bee honey has several nutritional and antibiotic properties. It acts as a balm regenerating the superficial cutaneous cells of the skin. Plus, it has the ability to nourish the deeper layers of the skin.

Some people may react badly to lemon drops, which you can easily replace with rose water. Honey can also be replaced with coconut oil.

Even if it seems paradoxical, the fatty acids present in coconut oil will not promote the production of sebum. On the contrary, coconut oil promotes the balance of lipid tissue.

Thanks to this mask, you will be able to have radiant, healthy and balanced skin. It is important to use this mask regularly, that is, at least 3 times a week. As the skin becomes less oily, you can reduce its application.

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