Discover A Simple Remedy To Relieve Migraines

In addition to detecting the triggers of migraines to relieve them, a technique is being developed which would send air into the ears to reduce overactivity of the nerve responsible for migraines.

Migraines are today recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a strongly incapacitating disease, which interferes with daily activities. Discover a simple remedy to relieve migraines.

This type of chronic headache affects millions of people around the world and is one of the most common causes of absence from work.

We often suffer from it between 10 and 15 days a month. Even if each person experiences them in a certain way, we often resort to drugs and we try to control its triggers: particular foods, lights, smells, stress …

A very recent study published in the journal Functional Neurology, Rehabilitation and Ergonomics presents us with an amazing new technique by which we can relieve the pain of migraines. We will tell you about it here.

Migraine, one of the most incapacitating diseases

According to data from the Spanish Neurological Society, migraines affect almost 3.5 million people. 42% of them suffer from it so intensely that it is impossible for them to have a normal rhythm of life.

  • Migraine tends to go on for two weeks a month, for three months in a row, and about 4 hours a day.
  • 9 out of 10 people suffer from nausea, hypersensitivity to light, sounds, smells, etc.
  • When migraine affects work productivity, it is very common to suffer from depression as well.  Because we notice that it also affects our performance and even our personal relationships.

remedy to relieve migraines

Causes of migraine

  • Migraine occurs because of activation or irritation of the fibers of the trigeminal nerve.
  • The trigeminal nerve is the one that carries sensitivity to the head and has three branches, which affect multiple blood vessels and the meninges.
  • The meninges are the ones that feel the most pain because of the release of inflammatory substances that come from the trigeminal nerve.
  • This is a type of inflammation or non-infectious “meningitis”, which causes this type of stabbing pain that is felt on one side.
  • Any movement or stimulus increases this inflammation and therefore the suffering.
  • Foods, especially such as those high in salt and chemical stimulants or dairy products, activate this vasodilation which tends to stimulate the trigeminal nerve.
  • Here’s something to know:  Migraines tend to have a genetic basis and mostly affect women. 

To relieve migraines: fresh air in the ears

Maybe you feel like this is just one more remedy that won’t work.

  • To relieve migraines, we need to apply air to one or both ears to reduce over-arousal. 
  • The air stimulates the facial nerve connected directly to the eardrum. This action then stops the signs of pain which reach the brainstem and which activate the sensation of pain.

Find out more about the modulated air insufflation technique 

  • This strategy can be achieved with an instrument called a pneumatic otoscope. It is a similar instrument to the one used by specialists to examine the ears.
  • It has a small cone-shaped pipe through which air is conducted to the eardrum. Once the eardrum is stimulated, the pain subsides. Because we paralyze the over-activation of the trigeminal nerve (responsible, as we know, migraines).

Today, doctors are carrying out this treatment experimentally in many centers. To do this, they breathe a low-intensity air current into it for 20 minutes.

Experts have high hopes for this treatment. Since this is based on direct stimulation of the nerves in the ear canal. This calms headaches in a simple and economical way.

Can we do this at home?

Obviously, not all of us have a pneumatic otoscope in our home. As this technique develops into more detail, we have more data about the device. We do not yet know if it will be possible to have one at home.

  • In the meantime, it is possible to try using a small device that ‘blows’ air into one of the ears to see if it works.

The best way to relieve migraines is also to not eat foods that act as triggers.

Each person has their own migraine headache, and often the same remedy is not effective for everyone.

We are waiting for the advances of this technique and we will keep you informed!

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