Did You Know That Listening To Complaining People Is Exhausting?

Being around people who constantly complain is exhausting, can lower morale and hurt us even when the problem has nothing to do with us.

The modern lifestyle is so demanding that inevitably we all end up complaining about what we have to face. While it doesn’t hurt to empathize when your loved ones are going through a rough patch, listening to complaining people constantly is more harmful than you think.

While this is a natural reaction that helps release tension in complex or painful situations, it is also a feeling that steals energy.

Most disturbing is their toxic and manipulative attitude. It makes us think that we are callous or selfish only because we don’t want to be where we are.

This is why it is important to know how to identify them, to know the effects of their negativity in our life and what to do to remedy them.

Profile of plaintiffs

profile of plaintiffs

They live by refusing the life they lead, always wanting to be the victims. They complain about nothing and above all, they never do anything to change what bothers them so much.

At first, this seems normal to us. But over time, we realize that, far from coming from a difficult situation, the complaint is above all a habit. Because it is part of the lifestyle of the person in question.

It becomes a conscious or unconscious act of manipulation. Through this, the plaintiff tries to generate guilt, compassion or solidarity. And almost always in order not to take on one’s own responsibilities.

Suddenly we feel like we are obligated to help him solve his problems. Or at least, to be a support at all times.

The consequences of complaining people on the morale of those around them

The attitudes of people who complain about everything are so negative that suddenly you start to feel more tired than normal.

Even if we have the ability to advise or help these types of people, being exposed to their way of being takes a big part of our energy.

And although it is difficult to notice it, our brain suffers from changes due to the emotions which are brought about by the condition of the other.

Feelings such as frustration, guilt, and sadness alter processes that release hormones in the brain and increase your risk of having:

  • Emotional imbalances
  • Difficulties in solving specific problems
  • Decreased concentration
  • Negative thoughts

What can be done to deal with the attitude of complaining people?

In life, not everything happens the way we would like. Often times we have to face challenges that we don’t want and don’t expect.

But there is no point in getting trapped in frustration and bitterness. Because these are the attitudes that prevent going forward.

The energy we use to complain is the energy we need to overcome those situations that seem to be obstacles.

This is why we must avoid being part of this type of people. In addition, it is essential to understand that there is no obligation to listen or advise those who are complaining.

We cannot want to solve the lives of others when we need energy to solve our own problems.

So how do you do it?

1. Take some distance

Take some distance from complaining people

If possible, stay away from complaining people as much as possible. Because with their attitude, they will try to manipulate you.

The less you pay attention to them, the faster they will understand that you don’t want to invest your energy in listening to their negative thoughts.

2. Make them understand that the problem is theirs.

Even if you take the time to listen to their complaints, let them know that the problems they are having are coming from their way of thinking.

Let the situation affect you little and advise her to take steps to resolve her issues on her own.

3. Do not show fragility

Since these people have the capacity to manipulate with their attitudes, it is essential to have a shield so as not to show that we can help them at all costs in the face of all possible and imaginable problems.

Sometimes it is inevitable to feel empathy. But it is important to control the situation so as not to feel the urgent need to help when the problem does not concern us.

Also read: Do you need a psychologist? 4 reasons that will answer your question

4. Set limits

You have the right to ask this person not to share their tragedies and complaints with you.

If you are tired of listening to negative thoughts over and over again, tell her that you don’t like it and that you would rather not be that shoulder she always cries over.

Do you have a friend or loved one who complains all day? It’s time to act ! Avoid playing his game. Because at some point you will start to feel that his negativity will have an impact on your own life.

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