Dancing And Walking Can Protect Us Against Alzheimer’s Disease

Monotony is the worst enemy of our brain connections. To prevent Alzheimer’s disease, it is important that we keep ourselves active by doing activities such as dancing or walking.

Walking and dancing are two fundamental sources of mental distension, freedom and relaxation.

They are also physical exercises which have a direct impact on our health and which act as great protectors of our brain against Alzheimer’s disease.

According to a study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, any physical activity that combines exercise and pleasure makes our brains more resistant to degenerative diseases.

This way, simple tasks like taking care of our garden, going out dancing, walking, or cycling are good for our heart, but also for our brain.

Indeed, these activities would reduce by 50% the risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. It is therefore better to take this information into consideration.

Dancing and walking to increase the activity of our brain

In our articles, we often tell you about the great benefits of walking for 20 to 30 minutes every day. It’s a simple way to improve our cardiovascular health and combat stress.

However, recent studies show us that in addition to all these virtues, walking, like dancing, can allow us to significantly reduce the risk of suffering from a neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer’s disease.

According to the study behind this article, conducted by the University of California at Los Angeles (United States) and the team of Dr. Cyrus A. Raji, the relationship between physical activity and emotional pleasure can increase the volume of our neural connections.

This would make our brains much more resistant to different types of dementias.

Walking for health.

Alzheimer’s disease cannot be cured, but can be prevented

We all know someone or we all have a family member who has Alzheimer’s disease.

Few illnesses are as sad as this neurodegenerative pathology in which the person loses their identity and memories, and then degenerates into such a state of death.

  • In the state of current medical knowledge, there is no cure for this pathology. It is an extremely difficult battle in which the patient, but also his loved ones, suffer terribly on an emotional level.
  • Although Alzheimer’s disease cannot be cured, we can prevent it and reduce the factors that cause it to appear.
  • If we get used to walking every day, taking dance lessons and practicing outdoor activities, we will be able to reduce the risk of suffering from this disease by 50%.
  • As this study tells us, people who maintain a sedentary lifestyle and who experience few emotional stimuli have a brain with less activity.
    Indeed, their brain is less agile, with fewer neural connections.

Exercise and positive, stimulating activities increase the volume of our gray matter. This scientifically proven fact is worth taking into account, both to strengthen our brain and to avoid suffering from neurodegenerative pathologies.

Benefits of walking.

Walk, laugh, dance and learn new things every day to prevent Alzheimer’s disease

Physical activities, such as dancing and walking, can oxygenate our brain, improve our blood circulation, and provide more nutrients to our body.

Also, moments of relaxation allow us to have new stimuli that capture our interest and take us away from our routine.

  • We must take into account that the worst enemies of our brain are routine activities. The monotony and the repetitive actions make us sink into a kind of depression, of discomfort which affects the chemical balance of our brain.
  • The brain then becomes slower and slower and automates itself with the routines. This is when memory lapses appear. The quality of the synapses of our neurons then drops drastically.
  • Activities that force us to move our bodies, such as dancing and walking, provide us with new stimuli, which test our curiosity and our emotions. They are a kind of “fuel” for our brain.

Walking and dancing as a remedy

To conclude, as indicated by Doctor Cyrus Raji, in charge of the study, it should be taken into account that there is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s disease. The best thing to do is therefore to take action to prevent its occurrence.

Walking and dancing.

To achieve this, we must already be aware of several important elements: the brain is a muscle, and like all others, we must exercise it.

If we do the same thing every day, if we sit on our couch, if we are just watching TV and our social relationships are more than limited, our brain connections will be impoverished, and our neurons will not cease very much. bit by bit their activity.

Conversely, if we turn on the switch of our curiosity, if we set ourselves challenges, if we decide to go for a walk for a few tens of minutes a day or to turn on the music to dance freely, we will to be able to make our brains much stronger and more agile.

Keep in mind all of our tips for keeping a young and alert brain.

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