Constipation: 5 Smoothies To Fight It

Remember that a large part of the fiber in fruits is found in the peel, which is why we must add it to our smoothies. organic fruits to take advantage of all their properties.

There are many natural remedies that can help with constipation.

However, the easiest and most enjoyable way to do this is to select foods that facilitate bowel movement, and eat them every day.

In this article, we are going to suggest some smoothies that you can drink throughout the day, and that will help you improve your bowel function, among other benefits.

Smoothies, better than juices

Even if natural juices are very healthy, and provide us with a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

If you want to cure your constipation, it is highly recommended that you go for smoothies.

The latter, unlike juices, contain all the fiber of the fruits used.

For this reason, smoothies are also much more filling, so  you can have them for breakfast or for afternoon tea.

It’s a healthy and delicious way to avoid the overuse of refined sugar and flour.

Honey to sweeten

If you want to sweeten your smoothies a bit, forget about white sugar, which is bad for our health.

Instead, choose a more natural sweetener, which also has laxative properties: acacia honey.

If you can’t find one, get any other natural bee honey, or a natural molasses from fruit (apple, pear) or cereal.

Honey is effective against constipation.

Kefir and prune smoothie

Kefir is a type of fermented yogurt that has the same benefits as yogurt, with a few additional benefits.

Indeed, it is very easy to digest, because it contains less lactose, and it therefore improves the intestinal flora because it is a fermented food.

You can have kefir ready. So you can do it yourself using the same mushroom and milk.

Prunes, in addition to being rich in calcium and preventing the onset of osteoporosis, have a large amount of fiber and have been used since ancient times as an extremely beneficial laxative food against constipation.

If possible, prunes should therefore be soaked overnight before use.

The oatmeal and date smoothie

Unlike rice water, which can slightly constipate people who already have a favorable ground for this problem, the oat drink is rich in mucilage, a type of fiber that improves drainage.

For this smoothie, use a vegetable-based oat drink, or a spoonful of oatmeal, previously soaked in hot water for a few hours.

Dates, like most dried fruits, contain a high amount of fiber. They will give you a great dose of vitality, making this smoothie an ideal drink for breakfast.

The oats  will therefore give a very creamy texture to the whole, and the dates will bring sweetness.

Apple and kiwi smoothie

The apple helps fight against diarrhea, and also against constipation.

The secret is in its skin, which contains most of the fiber in the fruit.

However, to be able to consume their skins, you absolutely need to get organic apples, without pesticides.

So you can use raw apple or cook it for a little while. This will give it even more flavor.

On the other hand, the kiwi is also traditionally used against constipation, thanks to its laxative properties, even more effective if the fruit is eaten on an empty stomach.

The yoghurt and fig smoothie

Yogurt is a good alternative if you can’t find, or can’t make, kefir,  even if it doesn’t contain as much lactic acid bacteria.

Try to find one that is as natural as possible, and that does not contain sugar, sweeteners, colors or artificial flavors.

Figs, whether fresh or dried, are very high in fiber. They will bring a natural sweetness to this delicious smoothie.

The hazelnut and flaxseed smoothie against constipation

In the end, dried fruits and seeds are always things you can incorporate into your smoothies. Be aware that they contain a lot of fibers.

You can mix them with the vegetable drink of your choice.

In addition, hazelnuts help regulate blood sugar levels. 

In some health food stores, you can find hazelnut milk, which has an exceptional flavor and goes very well with a little cocoa.

For their part, the flax seeds should be soaked overnight, to release all their mucilage content. The resulting water should be incorporated into the smoothie.

The proportion per smoothie will be a handful of hazelnuts and a spoonful of flax seeds.

Images by alsjhc, Foodmayhemcom and Robin Lee

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