Combat Foot Odor In A Natural Way

Mixed with a basic essential oil or our usual moisturizer, essential oils can be of great help in preventing odors in the skin. feet.

The bad odor of the feet can have several explanations: presence of fungi, excessive sweating, use of an unsuitable size, anxiety situations. It can also be stress, or even metabolic or hormonal disorders. It can also be the consequence of a poor diet.

We therefore offer you some natural, economical and easy-to-prepare remedies. Here are several tips to combat this annoying bad smell. To get there, you will have to act directly at the root of the problem.

In addition to these natural remedies, we also recommend going to see a doctor or a dermatologist, especially if the bad smell is chronic.

You should know that certain drugs or foods can also cause sweating and therefore the bad smell. In this case, it is a one-off thing. Normally, the foul odor goes away when you stop consuming them.

A clay mask for the feet

The benefits of clay masks are well known. We often recommend them to beautify the skin or relieve pain caused by inflammation. But clay is also very useful in removing bad odor from the feet.

For this, it will take green or red clay. It must then be mixed with lukewarm water until you obtain a smooth paste. Then cover the feet with it, and let the mask act for 20 minutes. Then, they should be rinsed with lukewarm water. Clay can dry out our skin a bit.

You can rehydrate your feet with a little almond oil or with a moisturizer. We will make these foot masks once or twice a week. Moreover, they can perfectly be done at the same time as the other remedies.

Essential oils

Essential oils have therapeutic purposes and are also very pleasant to use to avoid bad odor on the feet. It will suffice to mix a few drops of essential oils with a basic vegetable oil (olive, almond, sunflower, etc.). You can also mix it with your usual moisturizer.

We will first use tea tree essential oil to eliminate possible fungi or bacteria responsible for the bad smell.

You can mix it with lemon essential oil, which tightens tissue, purifies and has a pleasant scent.

We can also use lavender essential oil, which cleanses and soothes.

Lavender oil to remove odor from the feet

Walk barefoot

In order for the foot to sweat and expel toxic substances, there is nothing better than walking barefoot in natural places. Walk on sand, in sea water, in fresh grass, in damp earth or in a river. This will tone the foot and also improve blood circulation in general.

It is best to do this for at least half an hour, either at sunrise or sunset. Then, you will have to clean your feet well and cover them so as not to catch a cold.

When we do this exercise on a daily basis, we quickly notice the benefits. Our feet seem to be doing better and our general condition is improving as well.

feet at the beach

Foot baths

A foot bath with hot water is an old remedy that is very easy to prepare. We can add sodium bicarbonate to remove acidity from the sole of the foot. It will also flush out toxins and  alkalize the blood.

We can also add coarse sea salt instead, which has relaxing effects and also helps to deflate the feet.

We will mix two tablespoons of baking soda or salt in the water. It will have to be as hot as possible. We will then put our feet in it for at least half an hour. If we have the impression that the water is cooling, we will have to add hot water.

We can do this type of foot bath every day before going to bed. It is possible to alternate them with other remedies.

foot baths with plants to combat foot odor

Sulfur or boric acid in shoes

We can prevent bad foot odor during the day with boric acid or sulfur in our shoes. Indeed, they prevent excessive sweating and the appearance of fungi. Just put a pinch of it inside the shoes.

Be careful not to put them in contact with children or pets. Moreover, after its use, it will be necessary to wash the hands well.


There are a few tips that can help us fight bad foot odor:

  • Use a shoe that allows air to pass through, especially in summer or when playing sports.
  • Take socks made of natural fibers, such as cotton. Synthetics should be avoided.
  • Drink water between meals, at least six glasses each day.
  • Eat a balanced diet, rich in raw foods (fruits, salads, cabbage, etc.)
  • Air the shoes after putting them on, and do not use the same pair for several days in a row.

Photographs courtesy of mattsabo17, rutger, Intercontinental Hong Kong and bark.

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