Cleanse Your Lungs With Natural Ginger And Turmeric Syrup

Ginger, onion and turmeric syrup unites the healing benefits of these three ingredients and has antibacterial and cleansing properties that promote lung health .

Until recently, it was thought that cleaning the lungs was reserved for people addicted to tobacco or exposed to smoke in some way.

However, given the high level of environmental pollution and exposure to harmful agents, it is known that we should all do this at least once a year.

Even if at first it is not perceived, the respiratory system accumulates toxins which directly affect health. 

Fortunately, there are certain natural ingredients that stimulate their purification. Because they facilitate the expulsion of all these substances which negatively impact their function.

This is the case with spices like ginger and turmeric. Thanks to their richness in antioxidants, they inhibit cell damage and optimize the tasks of these important organs.

The two can be made together in a homemade syrup. It  can be used as a method to cleanse the lungs and prevent many diseases. 

Ginger and turmeric syrup to cleanse the lungs

Natural syrups are excellent remedies for relieving symptoms that affect the respiratory system, which can decrease the quality of life.

This syrup made from ginger, turmeric and onion is a healthy alternative with expectorant, cleansing, antibacterial and anti-cancer properties that work in favor of lung health to eliminate all the wastes that can make it difficult for the lungs to function.

It is a home remedy rich in nutrients. It is ideal for smokers or people with breathing difficulties.

In addition, it strengthens the immune system and prevents common disorders like the flu and colds.


  • 1 kg of onions
  • 1 liter of water
  • a cup and a half of muscovado sugar (300 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of ground turmeric (20 g)
  • 1 piece of ginger


  • To start, peel then cut the onions into several pieces and grate the pieces of ginger.
  • Add the previous ingredients in a saucepan then add the liter of water.
  • Then add the two tablespoons of powdered turmeric and the muscovado sugar.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat.
  • When it comes to a boil, lower the heat and cook until it has more or less reduced by half.
  • When half of the liquid is gone and you have a thicker mixture, turn off the heat and let it sit until cool.
  • Pass the product through a filter and store it in a glass container or pitcher.
  • You can keep it in the fridge.

Way of consuming

  • Every day, on an empty stomach, take two spoonfuls of syrup then start again a few hours before dinner.
  • Take daily until the treatment is completely finished.
  • You can repeat this lung detoxification between two and three times a year.

What are the other benefits of this natural syrup?

In addition to boosting the cleansing of the lungs and respiratory system, the ingredients used in this natural product also have other important health benefits.

The benefits of ginger

  • This slightly pungent-tasting spice has antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It has long been used to treat various pathologies.

For example, it is one of the best remedies for relieving stomach problems like nausea.

  • It also prevents intestinal infections and reduces abdominal inflammation produced by fluid retention.
  • Its powerful analgesic action calms pain such as migraine, arthritis or rheumatism.

The benefits of turmeric

  • Its main virtues are due to an active compound called curcumin. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects promote recovery from several diseases.
  • It is often used to relieve inflammation in muscles and joints.  But it has also been shown to be effective for liver health, the cardiovascular system and the brain.
  • One of the most important effects is its ability to curb oxidative damage caused by free radicals. This therefore prevents chronic diseases and premature aging.

The benefits of onion

  • Onion, on the other hand, provides us with essential nutrients that strengthen the immune system, blood circulation and kidneys.
  • It is rich in water, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which prevent cell damage and help reduce the effects of free radicals.
  • Its ability to stimulate the elimination of toxins promotes the health of the body’s purifying organs such as the liver, lungs and pancreas.

To conclude, with basic ingredients and very easy to acquire, we can prepare a powerful natural treatment to maintain good health of the lungs and organs in general.

Take it according to the recommendations given and you can check the effectiveness of this treatment for yourself.

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