Chamomile, A Treatment For Hemorrhoids

Symptoms go away after 2-7 days, but the inflammation can last for up to a month. Chamomile prevents bleeding and promotes healing.

Hemorrhoids are a taboo subject for many people. Obviously, no one wants to talk about what is going on in an intimate area of ​​our body. Yet hemorrhoids are a common condition.

Hemorrhoids bring many inconveniences and are characterized by intense pain  that increases over time.

There is an appropriate treatment that can quickly alleviate this condition. So why not talk about it? You will be able to find information and treat yourself properly!

Chamomile is a plant that is easily found. It has great medicinal properties, among which is the reduction and elimination of hemorrhoids.

Discover here  4 natural remedies based on chamomile to eliminate hemorrhoids!

What are hemorrhoids?


When the veins in the rectum and anus become inflamed, the pads of the submucosal tissue project outward. This is where hemorrhoids or piles are created. These pads contain the superficial veins and arteries of the anal canal.

Under normal conditions, three bearings or bushings are located: one on the right side wall, one on the left side wall and another in the middle of the duct. They participate in the mechanism of containment of feces.

The emergence of hemorrhoids can be related to different causes. Once they appear, it is very likely that the problem will repeat itself. If we do not avoid the risk factors, then we will see these hemorrhoids again.

Factors that can cause hemorrhoids

  • Constipation. In some cases, it can become chronic. Inflammation is caused by the compression of the veins in the anal canal.
  • Hereditary factors. You are then more likely to suffer from hemorrhoids.
  • Pregnancy. Especially during the last weeks and during natural childbirth, pressure and stress cause abdominal inflammation.
  • Aging. The rectal sphincter loses strength.
  • Diarrhea. It causes irritation.
  • Obesity. This is due to the increased abdominal pressure on the pelvic floor.
  • Positions held for too long. Standing or sitting for long periods of time can cause inflammation. It is perfectly common in several professions: IT specialists, office workers, taxi drivers …
  • Portal hypertension. 
  • Abuse of laxatives. It produces irritation
  • Meals rich in spices, spices or salt. This causes inflammation of the intestinal lining and rectal lining.

How to get rid of hemorrhoids

Sometimes it is necessary to perform surgery. But very often it is possible to relieve the symptoms with natural remedies.

The chamomile remedies that you will find here are easy to do and very effective.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

  • Severe pain around the anus.
  • Bright red blood in stool, on toilet paper, or in the toilet. There are other causes of anal bleeding, so this symptom should be combined with other symptoms.
  • Black stools. Be careful: certain medications such as bismuth or certain foods like spinach or squid can also cause black stools.
  • A burning sensation and itching in the rectum.
  • Constant anal humidity.
  • Stains and marks on the underwear.
  • More rarely:  bad odor, incontinence, gas, and in more extreme cases, partial or total fecal incontinence.

Now that you know the symptoms, know that hemorrhoids take at least seven days to heal. It is very rare that this period is shorter.

However, discomfort and pain can be relieved quickly.

Chamomile: a natural treatment for hemorrhoids

Chamomile relieves hemorrhoids

Chamomile has many healing properties. It is considered to be a soothing nervous system, an antispasmodic, a tonic, a digestive, an anti-rheumatic and an effective anti-inflammatory. Suffice to say that it is really medicinal!

Chamomile is also very effective in relieving hemorrhoids. Choose the remedy you want and start treating your ailment!

Remedy 1: Chamomile and roses

This ointment is very effective: it reduces hemorrhoids and also makes them disappear.

  • Take a 250 ml jar of wheat germ oil.
  • Take 10 g of chamomile powder and the petals of 2 roses in the jar.
  • Heat this mixture over low heat for an hour.
  • Filter everything with a colander.
  • Mix the preparation obtained with 20 g of beeswax and 20 grams of lanolin.

This ointment should be stored in a sterile bottle (with water brought to a boil) until it cools.

Once it becomes solid, apply it to the hemorrhoids daily until you see improvement.

Remedy 2: Chamomile oil

Buy a small bottle of chamomile oil and apply it directly to the hemorrhoids, until the symptoms of the infection go away.

Remedy 3: Chamomile tea

It’s wonderful for the pain! This remedy effectively relieves hemorrhoids. It is about taking a sitz bath with chamomile infusions.

  • Pour a handful of flowers in three liters of boiling water.
  • Let sit for ten minutes.
  • Add lukewarm water.

The bath should last fifteen minutes. Do this daily until you notice an improvement.

Remedy 4: Chamomile tea

This remedy reduces anal inflammation: it stops small hemorrhages and promotes healing.

  • Boil a handful of chamomile leaves in a quart of water for ten minutes.
  • Let cool. U
  • Use this preparation to wash your hemorrhoids for as long as needed.

With these remedies, the symptoms should go away after 2 to 7 days. The inflammation, on the other hand, will take longer to disappear, almost a month.

How to avoid the appearance of hemorrhoids

Sometimes hemorrhoids appear without warning. But we can still take some measures to try to avoid this inflammation of the rectum and anus.

  • Avoid a sedentary lifestyle. You should exercise at least three times a week for half an hour (walking or running), as this helps improve blood circulation.
  • Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole foods. These foods help prevent constipation.
  • You should not eat meals that are too seasoned, spicy or too fatty.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol.
  • Have a healthy weight.
  • Above all, drink plenty of water . It is important to promote blood circulation.

By following all of these tips, you will have a hemorrhoid free life!

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