Cancer: 11 Often Overlooked Symptoms

We don’t worry about symptoms that we associate with minor ailments, when in reality, they are warning signs of cancer. If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.

Cancer is one of the ailments of our time. Hundreds of patients around the world are diagnosed with different types of cancer or malignant tumors every day, often at an advanced stage.

Do you know the first symptoms that alert you to the possibility of cancer?

Usually, malignant tumors are silent and therefore are detected when they have already reached a stage that is difficult to treat.

In most people, timely diagnosis is essential, because the less advanced the cancer, the easier it is to successfully defeat it.

This is why it is very important to take into account certain symptoms which may seem common, but which in fact could indicate a type of cancer.

In this article, we share with you the first symptoms that most people ignore and which can be key to discovering this disease on time.

A persistent or hoarse cough may be a sign of cancer

A persistent cough or hoarse voice could be a sign of cancer.

The cough can be a very common symptom during a lung problem because it tends to occur when there is pulmonary congestion or other type of infection.

However, when the cough presents itself in a persistent way or with a little blood, it is very important to consult a doctor, since this could alarm about a possible cancer related to the respiratory system.

Lack of air

Many people who have been diagnosed with lung cancer often speak of having difficulty breathing, before detecting the disease.

However, they gave this symptom little importance, believing it to be fleeting or asthma.

Abnormal changes in bowel habits can betray cancer

Sudden changes in the intestines can indicate cancer.

We are all completely different when it comes to our bowel habits. Some people have very good digestion. They dispose of their waste regularly, while others suffer from constipation and have difficulty expelling their waste.

However, we should all be alarmed if we observe:

  • black or bloody stools
  • persistent diarrhea
  • episodes of  chronic constipation
  • an irrepressible need to go to the bathroom
  • pain in the abdominal part, etc.

Frequent infections

Having frequent infections may be a sign that the person has leukemia.

Leukemia is a disease caused by the abnormal production of white blood cells (leukocytes). As a result, the body loses its defenses to fight infections.

In adults, it is common to experience leukemia through symptoms like frequent fever, or flu-like.

Changes in urine may be a sign of cancer

Changes in the urine can be a sign of cancer.

Is the color of your urine darker than normal? Does she have a strong smell?

No matter how bad your urinary habits are, it could be a sign that something is wrong with your body.

Almost always, these type of symptoms appear with tumors associated with the urinary tract. This is a fairly indisputable symptom that should prompt you to see a doctor.

The inexplicable pains

If you suffer from persistent pain in the back, neck and legs among others, it is best to consult your doctor.

In this case, you can associate this pain with the other symptoms that we talked about above.

Alterations of the skin and moles

Any type of skin change,  for example, spots, new moles, or changes to existing moles.

These are alarm bells. You should immediately go to a doctor and rule out the risk of suffering from a c ancer of the skin.

Unusual bleeding

Unusual bleeding outside of menstrual periods is a common symptom of cervical cancer.

If the bleeding is coming from the rectum, it may indicate colon cancer.

Frequent pelvic pain can indicate cancer

Frequent pain in the pelvis can indicate cancer.

Pelvic pain is hard to ignore. The latter is often very bothersome and almost always it is accompanied by inflammation.

This symptom is specific to many diseases, such as cysts in the ovaries and cancers related to the female reproductive system.

Weight loss

Although many people can rejoice in losing weight for no reason, you have to be careful. Indeed, losing weight all at once can also be a symptom of cancer.

If you are not on a diet and you lose 5 pounds or more in a short time, this could be a warning sign for cancer:

  • pancreas
  • stomach
  • esophagus
  • lung

Difficulty swallowing

If you experience discomfort or difficulty swallowing, it is very important to see a doctor. Indeed, it can be a symptom of cancer of the esophagus, stomach or throat.

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