Being The Black Sheep Can Be Healthy

Even though we tend to compare the black sheep to a stray bullet, yet he is a person who is extremely conscious of what he wants and who does not is not that lost.

We call “black sheep” the person who does not follow the ideas of a group. It is a very common term, especially in a family, and it is often used in a derogatory way.

The black sheep of the family receives criticism because it does not correspond to what is expected of it, in terms of values. Because he is stubborn, reactionary and not very docile. But we can define him differently: he is a person who has his own voice.

Contrary to popular belief, being in tune with your own values ​​and responding to the rest of the flock of white sheep can be healthy for both physical and emotional health.

It is clear that we are obliged to live with each other.

However, to cohabit you must know how to respect, and when a person does not have the possibility of expressing himself, to have his own criteria of choice and to act as he feels and desires, the principle of cohabitation is then started.

If you find yourself in this situation, we invite you to think about these very simple aspects.

1. The black sheep struggles to be who he really wants to be

Society suggests to us, through very subtle mechanisms, that we are a whole army of like-minded people.

Education, fashions, the ideal of beauty, technologies, advertising… These are well-defined guidelines by which we let ourselves be carried away to enter the good flock of white sheep.

  • Even though we like a lot of these things (consumption, for example, tends to please), if you think about it, you realize some things.

We’re all gonna end up being Dolly’s. Clones.

  • We are taught that we are to be what others expect of us. We must be considerate, manageable and meet all the expectations and molds of family and society. 
  • If you are not suitable, you are forced to do so, like someone forcing themselves to put on size 36 jeans when they are doing 42.
  • But what the black sheep have accepted is not to fit the impossible sizes others expect them to be. And they don’t suffer from it.

They accept themselves as they are and struggle to stay that way, without contradictions or falsehoods.

2. Reveal and rebel against the masses

To stop being part of this desire to be similar, you must first reveal your authentic being. Discovering who we are, what identifies us, defines us and makes us happy.

  • Once we bring out our beauty, we must defend it. We must rebel against those who impose their judgment and a binding model on us.
  • To always be in tune with our essences and our identity, it is enough to keep this idea in mind at all times: if something doesn’t please you, don’t do it.

We all have this sensor that alerts us when someone or something alters us.

Contempt, an unconstructive and harmful criticism, an offense or an order that goes against our values, are facts to which we must not close our eyes.

3. The pleasure of inner balance and personal dignity

Few things are healthier and more comforting than going to bed with a clear conscience.

Yet there are many people who find themselves on the pillow with a whole host of problems that cause them to sink into insomnia.

  • Doing the opposite what you think only to please others prevents sleep.
  • Anyone who hides truths behind each other so as not to embarrass others ends up exhausted, frustrated, and miserable.
  • People who only want to be white sheep in order to be accepted by others are forgetting something: accepting themselves. It is a form of torture that is not worth going through.

So let’s face it. Why feed so much misfortune? Let’s be free, act with respect at all times but learn to respect ourselves.

Your dignity is important: act as you think, do what you promise, and don’t hide what you feel.

4. You are not a robot that must be programmed: learn to be free

We have all heard “learn to be free” or “freedom brings us happiness”. So … How do you gain access to freedom?

Freedom is relative. We have social and personal obligations. We live in a society and that involves following and accepting rules.

Within these margins, know that there are many paths we must begin to take to discover that genuine freedom exists.

  • You are free to say what you want, who you want to be and who you don’t want to see in your life.
  • Others are also free to accept you or not. If you are the black sheep of the family, others will have to accept you for who you are.

Otherwise, that’s their problem. Not yours.

  • You can and you should defend yourself against those who want to control or submit to you. You are not a robot without feelings, nor a machine that is able to receive and obey all orders.

Learn to set limits, to safeguard your personal and emotional integrity. Being the black sheep is not a crime, it is an exceptional right to be unique, different: to be yourself.

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