An Oatmeal And Grape Smoothie To Pamper Your Heart

To get all the benefits of this smoothie, it is very important to prepare it with oats from agriculture organic, which is much more natural, as well as red grapes, because they contain more bioactive substances than white ones.

Good heart health depends on many habits, which we should all follow on a daily basis. Good nutrition, exercise and a little relaxation are three very important factors that we can all act on.

However, even if it seems easy to take care of this so important organ, statistics show that, year after year, the number of people suffering from heart and circulatory diseases keeps increasing.

According to experts, this is a direct consequence of the sedentary lifestyle adopted for many years. As well as fatty food to which we are more and more exposed.

The absence of clear symptoms of the appearance of one of these pathologies is a factor that aggravates the problem. Indeed, patients are generally taken care of too late.

As a result, many prevention campaigns are being carried out around the world to increase awareness of these health problems which can be fatal.

In this article, we are going to share with you the recipe for a natural oatmeal and raisin smoothie. It is able to protect your heart, but also your whole body. Find out with us!

The oatmeal and grape smoothie to protect your heart health

The drink obtained from the mixture of oats and grapes is an exceptional remedy for purifying the blood. As well as to reduce the lipids that can accumulate throughout our body.

Consuming this smoothie regularly will help you control your cholesterol levels. But also to improve your blood circulation and maintain the elasticity of your arteries.

Benefits of grapes for heart health

In addition to being delicately sweet and delicious, grapes are rich in nutrients, such as resveratrol and polyphenols. These are two powerful antioxidants that help keep the heart healthy.

Red grapes are the most beneficial, as they concentrate more of the active substances. They are therefore more purifying and diuretic than white grapes, while being very low in calories.

They keep the arteries in an optimal state of health, preventing blood clotting and the formation of thromboses. Grapes are also very useful in preventing oxidative damage caused by the action of free radicals in the body.

Benefits of oats for heart health

Considered the most complete cereal, oats are an essential part of all balanced diets recommended by nutrition specialists. Eating oats daily helps keep cholesterol low, thanks to all the soluble fiber this “superfood” contains.

Oats are rich in linoleic acid and unsaturated fats. These are two elements that stimulate the purification of the blood to promote heart and circulatory health.

Thanks to its high content of complex carbohydrates, oats are considered to be one of the most energetic and satiating ingredients there is. Which is therefore ideal for people who want to lose weight.

This cereal also contains B complex vitamins, as well as vitamin E, which have a strong antioxidant power .

Its potassium, magnesium and iron content make oats an excellent remedy for high blood pressure, as well as other heart diseases.

How to prepare your oatmeal and raisin smoothie?

The oatmeal and raisin smoothie is very easy to prepare and is a great option for a healthy breakfast. Consuming it reduces the risk of heart disease, but also of all pathologies linked to overweight and obesity.


  • 4 tablespoons of oats (40 g)
  • 1 cup of red grapes (120 g)
  • 1/2 cup of papaya (70 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (optional) (25 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • First, buy organically grown oats.
  • Then wash the grapes well, cut them in half, taking care not to remove their seeds. They are the ones who concentrate the majority of their properties.
  • Peel the papaya and cut it into small pieces.
  • When all the ingredients are ready, put them in a blender, add the honey and the glass of water.
  • Mix everything for a few minutes, until you obtain a very creamy and homogeneous drink.

Way of consuming

  • If you want to use this drink to control your cholesterol, triglycerides, and high blood pressure, consume this smoothie every morning for breakfast.
  • If you want to take it preventively, take it two to three times a week.

It is essential that you take into account that this drink is only a food supplement to improve the functioning of your heart. You must therefore integrate it as part of a balanced diet low in fat and sugar.

It is also beneficial to perform regular physical exercises and integrate other good practices to maintain your cardiovascular functions.

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