A Delicious Morning Smoothie To Control High Blood Pressure

If this smoothie can help you improve your blood circulation, it is essential that you follow a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle if you want to fight against your high blood pressure.

High blood pressure is a cardiovascular disorder that occurs when blood pressure rises due to hardening of the arteries. To be healthy, it is necessary to control high blood pressure.

This phenomenon overloads the heart and forces it to make extra efforts so that the blood can reach all parts of the body.

The consequence of hypertension is that it weakens the heart muscle. In addition, vital organs like the kidneys, brain and pancreas weaken.

The most worrying thing is that high blood pressure increases the chances of suffering a heart attack or a brain hemorrhage. But also other serious pathologies which, in the most serious cases, can lead to death.

But this condition can be prevented and controlled by adopting healthy habits, especially from a dietary point of view.

This is why we recommend this delicious morning smoothie, whose properties will help you maintain the elasticity of your arteries to avoid their clogging.

How about learning how to prepare it?

A morning smoothie to fight high blood pressure

benefits of pineapple for controlling high blood pressure

This natural drink, the consumption of which is particularly recommended in the morning, combines ingredients that provide large amounts of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

While this is not a miracle cure for controlling high blood pressure, it is an excellent dietary supplement for stabilizing the disease and reducing the risks associated with it.

This smoothie provides a significant amount of vitamin C, a nutrient that has been shown to be effective in reducing high blood pressure.

In a study, carried out by researchers at Johns Hopkins University (United States) and published in the American journal American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , it was shown that the ingestion of 500 milligrams of vitamin C per day makes it possible to reduce short-term arterial pressure of 3.84 mm Hg.


This smoothie also contains potassium, a mineral essential for the balance of electrolytes and mineral salts in the body.

Its effect on the body helps fight water retention, reduce inflammation in tissues and improve blood circulation to reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

Thanks to its high content of resveratrol, provided by grapes, this drink considerably reduces the risk of heart and circulatory diseases.

This antioxidant helps protect the arterial walls, prevent the oxidation of bad cholesterol and the formation of clots in the blood.

Among the other nutrients in this smoothie are:

  • Vitamins (A, B9, E, K)
  • Minerals (selenium, calcium, magnesium)
  • Fibers

How to prepare this natural smoothie to control high blood pressure?

control high blood pressure

This healthy drink for controlling high blood pressure is obtained from the mixture of fruits that are low in calories and high in nutritional value.

This means that, by incorporating it into your diet, you will get all of its slimming benefits and you will improve your physical and mental performance.

On the other hand, as it is rich in fiber, this smoothie is an ideal supplement to fight against constipation and digestive difficulties.

Its diuretic action stimulates the production of urine in the kidneys and helps to drain the fluids responsible for the generalized inflammation of the body.

It also contains cleansing substances that stimulate the elimination of toxins and wastes from the body.


  • 2 pineapple rings
  • 8 grapes
  • 1 apple
  • 1 banana
  • The juice of an orange
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Cut two slices of pineapple, remove their peel and cut them into several pieces.
  • Wash the grapes well and add them to the blender with the pineapple.
  • Then add the apple, previously cut too, and the banana.
  • Squeeze an orange and pour the juice into your container.
  • Add a glass of water, then mix everything well for a few minutes.
  • If you want your smoothie to be even more refreshing, add a few ice cubes to it.
  • Once you’ve got a smooth, lump-free drink, serve and drink quickly.
  • Consume on an empty stomach or in the morning.

Include this smoothie in your regular diet. You can then lower your blood pressure to limit cardiovascular risks.

However, keep in mind that its effects are not as strong as those of medications prescribed by your doctor. Indeed, it also depends on your eating habits.

A person who does not moderate their intake of saturated fat, salt and processed foods can hardly overcome their condition. And it doesn’t matter how many healthy drinks she can swallow.

This is why it is necessary to control high blood pressure.

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