How To Lose Abdominal Fat In 7 Steps

If we want to eliminate fat from the abdomen, we have to combine a healthy diet with localized physical activity to lose volume and tone the area.

It is vital to know that those pounds stored in the stomach can cause diabetes and some serious heart disease. So how do you get rid of this problem quickly? First of all, you have to be realistic. The abdominal fat will indeed not disappear in two weeks.

We must not forget either that each person has their own metabolism and that we must be aware that we will have to get involved. 

Losing weight therefore requires consistency and willpower.

So can we make it happen? Of course. Below we will suggest that you start following these 7 steps today.

1. Yes to tropical fruits to reduce abdominal fat

Tropical fruits, like pineapple or papaya, contain digestive enzymes. In addition to being anti-inflammatory, they allow us to reduce fluid build-up and better digest food.

Good digestion is indeed synonymous with good health. We take care of our intestines so that they are cleaner and we promote fat loss.

Ways to consume tropical fruits

  • Eat fresh pineapple in salads, and add spinach and nuts.
  • In the morning, prepare a salad of fresh papaya and other fruits.
  • Prepare yourself some natural pineapple or papaya juices.

2. Fruits and vegetables that are purple in color

Purple colored fruits and vegetables are wonderful for our health and for regulating our weight. However, it is important to choose them according to your particularities and to know if they are right for you.

  • The purple colored fruits contain lutein, zeaxanthin, resveratrol, vitamin C, fiber, ellagic acid flavonoids and quercetin. Their nutrients therefore help us reduce bad cholesterol or LDL.
  • They also increase the activity of the immune system.
  • They finally improve our digestion and help us to purify the organism.

abdominal fat

Among the fruits and vegetables of this color are the following:

  • Grapes
  • The blueberries
  • The eggplants
  • The beets

3. Yes to monounsaturated fats

Monounsaturated Fat to Reduce Tummy Fat? Maybe this seems contradictory to you, but, in fact, this type of fat is essential for our health and our figure. 

  • There are healthy fatty acids that allow us to “move” fat to, precisely, prevent it from accumulating.
  • Monounsaturated fats activate a series of mechanisms capable of acting on the abdomen area to break this chain of resistant fats.
  • Foods rich in omega-9 are essential for us because we cannot produce them. They take care of our heart and prevent cardiovascular accidents.

Here we will give you a series of foods that you can incorporate into your diet:

  • Nuts
  • Flax seeds
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • The salmon
  • Mackerel
  • The lawyers

4. Eat soluble fiber

Soluble fiber is the one that helps us shed fat from the abdomen. Among their properties, we find that of absorbing water to transform it into gel during digestion.

This slows down the digestive process, makes us full and removes toxins from the intestines. So, do not hesitate to introduce these foods into your daily life.

  • Oats, bran, rye …
  • Carrots, leeks and asparagus.

5. Sage infusion

You will find sage infusion ready to eat in any herbalist’s shop. It is often called “the plant of women” thanks to its multiple benefits for female health:

  • It relieves the symptoms of menstruation or menopause.
  • In addition, sage infusion helps us to eliminate toxins, fight against constipation and even eliminate fat accumulated in the abdomen area. 
  • For it to be effective in combating fat in the abdomen, this infusion must be taken every morning on an empty stomach.

6. Walk 30 minutes every day

Walking is an essential exercise that we must practice on a daily basis. In addition to improving our heart health, it helps kick-start our metabolism to burn fat more easily.

7. Work the abdomen area for half an hour every day.

We know that we have to be careful with our diet, consume plenty of water, eliminate foods rich in saturated fat and sugary drinks.

In addition to all these basic rules, there is one essential: the exercises intended to harden this area. The surrounding muscles must be strengthened and the fat gradually disappeared.abdominal fat

Take note of some easy exercises you can do for half an hour:

  • Go up and down the stairs.
  • Do the “plank” position and work the waistline area:
    • Lie on your stomach on a floor mat and support yourself with the forearms and the points of the feet.
    • The hips should be high, the back straight and the neck relaxed.
    • Hold the position for 15 or 20 seconds and rest.
    • Do 3 sets.
  • Leg curls.

This exercise requires a little more resistance but is really very effective:

  • Sit on the edge of the chair, with your back tilted back and legs outstretched.
  • Next, begin flexing the knees by bringing the thighs closer to the abdomen.
  • Keep the muscles tight throughout the activity and try to do 8-10 repetitions.
  • Do 3 sets.

Remember that dancing, doing yoga, and simply stretching that involves the stomach area are also great fat shedding activities.

How do you feel about starting to apply these 7 steps today?

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