10 Good Reasons To Have Lemon In Your Refrigerator

To prevent the fruits from oxidizing, we can sprinkle them with a few drops of lemon. The latter is very effective in retaining the color of guacamole, as it prevents it from darkening.

Lemon is one of the most interesting fruits that exist, especially because it can be used in many ways. In addition, it contains many nutrients and vitamins that are essential for our body.

However, you don’t know everything about lemon, which is why in the rest of this article, we’ll give you ten good reasons to put lemons in your fridge.

1. For its zest

We often shed the skin of the fruit we eat. Indeed, some are not edible, but that of the lemon is very useful at the time of cooking, because it gives off an intense flavor. To take advantage of its zest, it is best to use a grater.

It is very important not to eat the white part between the rind and the fruit, as it is often very bitter.

2. To prepare a gremolata

Gremolata is a parsley of Italian origin that is used to cook fish and seafood. 

To prepare it, just mix in equal amounts a little lemon zest, parsley, and garlic. If you don’t like the taste of the latter, add a little olive oil. Gremolata is a great option to replace salt and pepper.

3. To cook eggs

Use lemon juice when cooking your eggs to make the shell come off more easily. When you boil your water, add a little lemon juice, then put your eggs in the pot.

The lemon will also prevent the eggs from splitting, which happens very often when dipped in hot water. 

Don’t worry about the taste, the eggs will retain their original flavor, lemon juice has no effect on its flavor.

4. To restore freshness to the salad

have lemon to refresh the salad

When our lettuce has lost its flavor, we can use lemon juice to restore freshness. 

In a container filled with cold water, but not frozen, add lemon juice, and immerse the lettuce. Then you have to put it in the fridge for about an hour, and that’s it! The lettuce will have regained its original freshness.

5. To keep the color of the fruit

Lemon juice helps preserve the color of meat and fruit. You have surely seen your fruits change color when you eat them.

This little trick is ideal for your guacamole to retain its color: after a while, the avocado turns black, making the guacamole much less appetizing.

You just need to add a few drops to avoid this little inconvenience.

6. To flavor food

Lemon juice helps reduce the amount of sodium in food. In addition, it emphasizes the taste of almost any product or food: meat, fish, chicken, seafood, vegetables, etc.

As if all this were not enough, lemon provides a large amount of vitamin C, which helps prevent diseases like the common cold.

7. To prevent cancer

According to studies carried out in the United Kingdom, lemon tea reduces the risk of developing skin cancer by 70%. So, drinking a cup of this drink every day is beneficial for the body.

In addition, lemon tea is a very effective thermogenic, which means that it burns fat much faster, and therefore helps to lose weight.

8. To decorate your ice cubes

have lemon to decorate your ice cubes

Add a little lemon juice to the water in your ice cubes to cool you down. No matter what drink you want to drink, lemon is delicious with almost anything!

Just pour a few drops into each square of your ice cube maker, then place it in the freezer.

9. To prepare lemonade

You can also make your own homemade lemonade. This drink is ideal to quench your thirst, especially in summer. It is rich in vitamin C and minerals.

Thus, it helps fight respiratory diseases such as the flu or the common cold. In addition, it acts as a very effective natural antiseptic.

To prepare your lemonade, do not use too much sugar or a calorie-free sweetener, as the excess sugar can, on the contrary, cause health problems.

10. It is good with water

As we have already clarified, lemon water is very good for the health.

It has many properties that help our body in many situations. This drink is rich in vitamin C and minerals.

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