A Homemade Cream To Relieve Varicose Veins

If you do not have time to prepare this mask or you do not have the necessary ingredients, you can replace it with small towels soaked in vinegar of cider, and leave to act for about twenty minutes.

Varicose veins… Who has never wanted to get rid of this problem which is as unsightly as it is painful and which many women inherit from their family history? 

Some even resort to surgery, but we prefer to use natural and simple methods to relieve the ailments associated with varicose veins. Do you want to try them?

How to make a cream to relieve varicose veins?

Appearance of varicose veins

But what exactly is a varicose vein? Why do they have this color and why do they hurt us so much? We all know more or less why they appear.

These are veins that appear on our legs when we have poor circulation, or venous insufficiency. This insufficiency is, in turn, caused by an alteration of the walls of the blood vessels. Thus, the blood no longer circulates properly.

Usually, the genetic factor has a lot to do with it. However, a sedentary lifestyle as well as a poor diet can also promote their appearance.

The blood thus stagnates in the calves to cause a sensation of tingling, cramps, heaviness … Finally, you know what we are talking about!

By trying to look at this problem with objectivity, it is clear that it still takes a lot of willpower to relieve varicose veins.

However, miracles do not exist! And if you have very inflamed veins, then you will need to seek medical treatment. This will help you avoid any risk of blood clots and improve circulation.

When it comes to large veins, you should also think about having surgery to avoid any risk of serious complications.

But if your varicose veins do not correspond to any of the previous cases, then you can try using the “homemade” cream that we are offering you today.



This cream is really very easy to make, the secret of its effectiveness being to remain constant in its use. In addition, we can assure you that this cream contains only inexpensive ingredients that can actually relieve your varicose veins.

You will therefore need:

  • A carrot,
  • Aloe vera (in a quantity equal to that of the carrot),
  • Half a glass of apple cider vinegar.

Also read:

The preparation

More beautiful legs

  • To make this cream for varicose veins, you will first need to put the carrot in a blender to obtain a smooth texture paste.
  • Then, add to this paste the pulp of aloe vera  (in a quantity equal to that of the carrot). To extract the pulp of the aloe vera, you will need to remove the leaves, then open them lengthwise and extract the pulp (the transparent part) with a teaspoon.
  • Add the apple cider vinegar  until you get a smooth cream, neither too runny nor too thick, so that it can be easily applied to the legs.
  • Finally, pass the dough in a blender to obtain a smooth and homogeneous cream.  And There you go ! The cream is ready to use! However, be sure to always apply this cream in the form of massages going from the bottom up from the ankles to the calves in order to activate the blood circulation.
  • Once the cream is on your legs, let it act for half an hour to relieve your varicose veins. Then rinse it off with lukewarm or cool water. 
  • You can use this cream every day, preferably at the end of the day. If one day you don’t have the time, or don’t have all the ingredients to make this cream, you can also apply apple cider vinegar compresses on the areas where you see varicose veins and leave it on for 20 minutes. It will be just as effective.
  • Remember that a balanced diet and daily exercise can also help relieve your varicose veins.  For example, walking for 30 minutes a day is more than enough for your health!

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