Benefits Of Lemon Peel On Your Feet Before Going To Bed

You can enjoy the lemon peel directly or grate it and apply it to use as an exfoliant. Either way, you should leave it on overnight for best results.

For a long time, the feet were neglected and did not receive the care they needed to stay in good condition. Lemon peel can help you take care of it.

For aesthetic and health reasons, we have gradually become aware of the importance of taking care of our feet, in particular to avoid the development of infections.

Having soft and pretty feet is a sign of good personal hygiene, besides being very important when we wear open shoes.

Few people know how to take care of their feet and what to do so that they are not affected by hygienic problems.

The majority of the population therefore suffers from calluses, cracked heels and fungal infections.

Fortunately, there are many natural remedies that can fight all these problems to improve the appearance of our feet in a very short time.

Among these, we find the remedy based on lemon peel that we will present to you in this article. This ingredient is often thrown away when it has great properties for our health.

In the rest of this article, we will explain how to use it to achieve health benefits for your feet.

How about trying it out today?

Lemon peel treatment to improve the health of your feet

Many of us throw out lemons after squeezing their juice, when this part of the fruit has many benefits for our daily health.

According to experts, lemon peel contains ten times more vitamin C than juice, in addition to essential oils and very healthy antioxidants.

To benefit from it, it is enough to eat it regularly, because the bark can prevent and treat many diseases.

However, our focus today is different. We will show you how to use it to take care of the damaged skin on your feet.

You are going to need

  • 1 large lemon
  • 1 pair of socks


  • Cut the lemon in half, so that each half fits snugly on your heels.
  • Squeeze all the juice from the lemon and put the fruit on the affected areas.
  • Use light pressure on your heel with the lemon and make sure that the lemon hugs its shape perfectly, so that it does not move overnight.
  • Then put on well-fitting socks to cover your feet, then lie down.
  • Remember that this is a treatment that you should do before going to bed, as the bark takes several hours to work.

The result

  • After two to three nights, you will notice a significant change in the condition of your feet. Your calluses will be much softer and the cracks will start to disappear.
  • Total relief from these conditions will depend on how consistently you apply the remedy.

Lemon peel and petroleum jelly scrub to relieve your feet

The combination of lemon peel and petroleum jelly is an excellent alternative to accelerate the recovery of calluses that can affect the feet.

Together, they form a natural exfoliant that helps remove dead skin and other impurities that cause dryness.

Vaseline is one of the most recommended natural ingredients for moisturizing this part of your body because it protects the skin and keeps it well hydrated.

You are going to need

  • 1 tablespoon of petroleum jelly (15 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of grated lemon peel (10 g)
  • A bandage


  • Freeze a lemon and use a grater to get lemon peel in powder form.
  • Mix this ingredient with a spoonful of petroleum jelly until you get a cream.
  • Rub the product on your feet and cover them with a bandage.
  • Leave the product on overnight and rinse immediately when you get up the next morning.

The result

  • By using this remedy two to three times a week, you will have smoother, more hydrated and well protected feet.
  • You can use it as part of your pedicure, instead of going with conventional exfoliators.

Tips for getting the best possible results

So that you don’t miss out on all the benefits of these lemon peel remedies, remember to use comfortable, well-ventilated shoes every day.

Most foot problems have their roots in prolonged use of unsuitable footwear.

After showering and before putting on shoes, apply a generous amount of moisturizer.

If your calluses are too thick, immerse your feet in hot water and rub them with a pumice stone.

Finally, remember that your toenails also need special care. Avoid subjecting them to humid environments and protect them from fungi.

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