Cleanse Your Liver To Strengthen Your Immune System With Ginger Tea

Although cinnamon and ginger are very effective in preventing digestive and liver problems, they should not be taken in the form of infusion if you have an illness, as this could worsen the symptoms.

Ginger is a plant whose root has been used since ancient times for various culinary and medicinal purposes. But did you know that it also helps strengthen your immune system?

Thanks to its aroma and pleasant taste, many cultures have introduced it into their gastronomic customs. It is thus used as a complement to various dishes, drinks and also in cocktails.

Ginger has become extremely popular around the world. Indeed, it is composed of hundreds of properties for the treatment and also for the prevention of many pathologies.

After having been the subject of much research for several decades, it has been noticed that its consumption provides the body with significant amounts of fiber and gingerol. The latter is an active compound which gives it its spicy taste but also many virtues.

Today, many natural remedies take advantage of the properties of ginger to fight against certain diseases and protect the body.

In this article, we are going to share with you the recipe for a ginger infusion where we can add a little cinnamon. This last ingredient will stimulate the effects of this drink on health and therefore strengthen your immune defenses.

The benefits of ginger and cinnamon infusion

This natural drink is prepared with a small slice of ginger root and a stick of cinnamon.

It is thus a hot drink with a slightly spicy taste, which brings to the body many benefits in order to optimize its functioning.

Regular consumption of this infusion is recommended for:

Purify and detoxify the liver

Did you know that it is good to purify your liver at least once a year ?

Indeed, this organ is one of the most important in our body, since it is responsible for filtering and also eliminating toxic substances that accumulate in the blood stream.

The combination of ginger and cinnamon in a single drink then offers a hepatoprotective action which supports the liver when it is overloaded.  

Caring for the gallbladder

People who are at risk of developing gallstones can consume this infusion regularly. Indeed, in addition to protecting the liver, it has a positive effect on the gallbladder.

Reduce the feeling of cold

Since it is a hot infusion, it is recommended to relieve the feeling of cold, especially during periods when the climate is harsh.

Ginger has a thermogenic effect, known to stimulate the elimination of calories and maintain a suitable body temperature.

A digestive tonic

People who have digestive problems can consume this infusion in order to improve their bowel movement and the function of the entire digestive system.

Ginger has carminative qualities, which are very useful in the treatment of inflammation caused by gas and flatulence.

Strengthen the immune system

Ginger has a high content of potassium, phosphorus and vitamin C, essential nutrients to strengthen the body’s defenses and fight against flu and cold viruses.

How to prepare the infusion with ginger and cinnamon?

The preparation of this powerful natural remedy is very simple and all of its ingredients are easily found.


  • 1 thick slice of ginger root
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • ½ lemon
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • To start, wash the ginger root well and grate it.
  • Then boil a cup of water and add the grated ginger and cinnamon to it. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, wash the lemon and squeeze the juice from one of its halves to add it to the infusion.
  • When it’s ready, filter everything in a colander, let sit for a few minutes and drink this infusion two or three times a day.


While cinnamon and ginger can help prevent many stomach conditions and strengthen your immune system, consuming them is not recommended for people who already have digestive problems.

It should also not be consumed during pregnancy, nor should it be given to children or to people undergoing anticoagulant therapy such as aspirin, coumaphene, ticlopidine or heparin.

In case of doubt or unexpected reaction, consult a doctor. It is really important to strengthen your immune system, especially when the cold comes.

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