How To Quickly Fight Muscle Cramps

Rosemary alcohol has immediate anti-inflammatory effects and aids blood circulation. You can prepare it at home so that you always have it on hand for relaxing massages.

Muscle cramps can be very painful, and knowing quick, natural, and effective remedies to quickly relieve them is very important, especially if you have them regularly.

Discover in this article the most effective solutions to fight against these unpleasant muscle cramps.

Muscle cramps

This health problem is much more common than we might think, and it affects one in two people over the age of 60 in the usual way. In addition, it can occur at any age, sporadically.

Cramps appear as a result of irritation of the nerves.

Thus, the nerves cause the surrounding muscles to contract continuously. This involuntary spasm can last a few seconds or even a few minutes.

Cramps can occur in any muscle in the body, but most commonly they affect the calves, thighs, feet, and hands.

When they occur chronically, there can be several explanations:

  • A deficiency of minerals, especially potassium, magnesium, iron and calcium
  • Vitamin E deficiency
  • Excessive loss of fluids (especially through sweating or diarrhea)
  • The stress
  • Diseases like arthritis, arteriosclerosis or fibromyalgia
  • Consumption of diuretic drugs

Conversely, when the cramps are sporadic, this is due to:

  • Lack of muscle stretching before and after exercise
  • Unusual movements
  • Exposure to low temperatures

 Fight muscle cramps quickly with stretching

The muscle affected by the cramp is in a state of contraction. The first thing to do to relieve the pain is therefore to stretch it.

If the cramp is in the calf, you will need to fully extend the leg by placing your foot at a right angle, then pulling on it as if to bring your toes in your direction, while pushing the heel forward.

Conversely, if the cramp is located in the toes, it will be necessary to catch them and then stretch them outwards, that is to say forward.

how to fight muscle cramps

 Quickly fight muscle cramps with an oil massage

With a little vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, sesame, coconut or almond) you can massage the area affected by the cramp, exerting some pressure. It is important to do this against the direction of the contraction.

The most important thing is to generate heat locally, to combat the cooling associated with the cramp, and to facilitate recovery as quickly as possible.

The electric mat

Another way to apply heat quickly is to have an electric mat at home.

While it is warming up, the affected muscle should be stretched well. Once it’s ready, alternate its application with a massage.

Any other object that produces heat can be useful, such as a hot water bottle or a bottle filled with hot water.

Rosemary alcohol

Rosemary alcohol is an ancient remedy, which allows us to perform a massage without the need to use vegetable oil.

Its anti-inflammatory and blood circulation effects are very rapid. It is therefore advisable to always have some on hand if you want to relieve muscle cramps.

To prepare this remedy, follow these few steps:

  • You will need a glass jar that you can seal tightly.
  • Fill it first with fresh sprigs of rosemary, fresh if possible. The best time to pick rosemary is when the plant is in bloom.
  • Then cover the rosemary branches with 96-degree alcohol.
  • Finally, close the container, and let it macerate for 15 days, in a place sheltered from sunlight.
  • Each day, remember to shake your mixture well for a few seconds.
  • After this time, filter the liquid and store it in an opaque glass container, tightly closed.

How to prevent cramps?

 rosemary to quickly fight muscle cramps

If you suffer from muscle cramps at least once a week, it is very important to carry out a natural preventive treatment, as this problem highlights an imbalance in your body.

  • Start by increasing your intake of foods rich in magnesium and potassium, two minerals found in fruits and vegetables, such as bananas or tomatoes.
  • You can also make a habit of eating a salad of dried fruits and sprouts every day, as this is a dish that will provide you with the vitamins and minerals you need.
  • If the cramps are persistent, do not hesitate to consume a magnesium supplement.
  • To combat leg cramps, you can get used to passing a trickle of cold water over the affected area every day.
  • Tincture of viburnum is also an excellent remedy for preventing the onset of cramps.

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