If I Change, Everything Changes: 5 Steps To Program Your Subconscious

Even though we cannot control the subconscious we can try to mold it to guide us through intuitions and from this way to be able to live a more serene present.

When we name the word “subconscious” immediately comes to mind the classic theories of psychoanalysis.

This eternal interest characterizing most of us is also challenged by everything that is related to the levels of consciousness.

However, one thing to take into account on a daily basis is precisely that this part of our mind is the one that plays a role in driving many of our actions, reactions and the way we interact with everything around us.

  • When we are introduced to a person, for example , we pass judgment fairly quickly on whether we like that person or on the contrary.
  • When we go down the stairs and stumble, we react normally within seconds so as not to lose our balance.

We do a lot of things automatically, a lot of answers that we give without which pass through the filter of a conscientious logical and rational analysis and the infinite behaviors that direct this subconscious structure.

However… what if we told you that there is a way to get into this private drawer of our brain to know it more deeply and control it?

To achieve this would be an extraordinary way to react much better, to put aside the fears that often terrorize us in order to be reborn as a more free, full and happy person.

In this article we will tell you about it.

The subconscious is the automatic pilot of our mind

Nothing that resides in the unconscious is accidental or arbitrary. The unconscious harbors the essence of all lived, seen and felt.

It is a sort of “messy drawer” where the compass of our being is to be found and everything that has happened.

At the same time, all the lived experience leaves an emotional trace in us depending on how we have digested it.

Riddles based on proven facts:

  • “People who look in the eyes are reliable because my mother looked at me that way”, “Men who shy away when you talk to them are dangerous, because my first fiancé reacted like this and he hurt me a lot”.

Each act that we have gone through therefore leaves a mark in our subconscious.

Moreover, it is frequent that we interpret our reality according to this guarded information.

On the other hand, the unconscious allows us to give quick answers when we do not have too much time to analyze things deeply.

For example: “Should I say yes to this job offer?” “,” Is it advisable to give my phone to this new friend? “,” Which path to take, the one on the left or the right? “

What can we use to “program” the subconscious?

Program the subconscious.

  • Know yourself better
  • Correct bad habits (stop smoking, be a little more courageous, stop being afraid, not be so influenced by the opinions of others …)
  • Create a reality more suited to our desires.

Programming the subconscious can help us become the person we really want to be.

Before programming your subconscious you must know what it contains

The idea is simple: no one can change the decoration of a house if they do not first know what is in the home.

It is often very usual that there are dark rooms that have not been lit for a long time, where our fears and limited thoughts are hidden, the ones that keep us from being happy.

For this reason, it is vital that before orienting our subconscious towards well-being and our capacity for achievement, we knew which problem areas are hidden inside to relieve them .

To achieve this, it is essential to do the following. It will serve you tremendously .

Learn to connect to your subconscious

Connect to the subconscious.

  • Listen to your hunches . The crushes, in reality, are messages sent by the subconscious to the conscious mind.
    Therefore, it is information that gives us a clue as to what is in the subconscious, what it wants to tell us.
  • Write a journal where you will write down dreams that you had. Place this journal on your nightstand and write down any dreams you can remember. Do this when you wake up, before you forget them.
    Later analyze them and ask yourself what they might mean.
  • Practice meditation . Look for a quiet moment in your day to dedicate yourself to this healthy exercise, about half an hour, to connect with yourself.
  • Draw mandalas . It is a way of centering ourselves in the present moment, here and now, to also connect with ourselves.
  • Write, write a personal journal . Write down your thoughts, your memories, your emotions… It is an ideal way to create a literary architecture where you will reflect your essence and at the same time, which will emerge from your subconscious world.

5 steps to program your subconscious

It is important that before moving on to this programming phase, we have worked well on the previous stage: Self-knowledge.

Once we have found our weaknesses, we can begin this inner process of change, direct approach to the programming of the subconscious.

At the same time, it is necessary to remember a primordial aspect: we must be constant. These exercises should be practiced daily, so patience will be required. Changes don’t happen from week to week.

Note now what are the tasks that we will have to carry out.

1. Visualize

We will practice visualization every day. Imagine yourself inside a car. You are in control, you keep the wheel and know where you want to go.

  • Then suddenly you feel a pleasant wind brush your face and, on the horizon, a wonderful sunrise filled you with happiness and hope.
  • You see your goals in this horizon and you move towards them with security and without fear. Nothing prevents you from doing so.

2. Use positive suggestions that empower you

Create phrases that are helpful to you such as, “I deserve to be happy and nothing is going to stop me. The worst enemies are in my mind and I have conquered them ”.

Repeat these affirmations regularly, especially before bed.

3. Live “here and now”

You must be connected with what is happening in the present moment.

If you focus your attention in the past or in the future, your subconscious will milk you, because it is only in the “here and now” that opportunities open up .

4. Do one thing at a time

Above all, avoid multiple tasks. The stress of doing a thousand things at the same time is a voracious enemy of our inner peace.

We need to focus our energies on learning to let go through everything we do in the present moment.

5. Stop Wandering Thoughts

Thoughts and subconscious.

You have one goal in mind: to be happy, to be yourself, to become the person you really want.

Do you know who is stopping you? Yourself with your wandering thoughts, like these: “I cannot because I failed in the past”, “I dare not because I will certainly disappoint someone”.

Avoid the wandering mind and let your safer and stronger subconscious direct you to where you want to go, a palace of absolute calm and bliss.

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