Behind Each Person Hides A Story That Made Them Strong

Since each person is a world in themselves, each of us must find out what impels them to be strong in this life and what animates it to be able to face everything.

Often we have the habit of saying that a person is not really born until life hits him, and until he learns to be strong.

Adversities are powerful sources of learning. However, it should also be known that happiness and times of well-being are stages where we expand our knowledge.

Times in which we are actually discovering what identifies us and what is worth fighting for.

However, one thing is certain is that each of us is marked by a series of experiences. With its own backpack that nobody sees, but which nevertheless exists.

Filled with dark moments, lights, tears and a crew that one must carry on one’s shoulders forever.

What made us a strong person made us wise. Even if we know that this wisdom is born, from time to time, out of pain.

We invite you in this article to think about it.

You are a strong person: find out why

It is likely that many do not believe it. Despite everything, humans are often stronger than they seem.

This is due to a very simple reason: our brains are programmed to survive, our genetic code predisposes us to learn from adversity.

This explains to us, in a way, why it is so hard to be “happy”. Our brains do not find the idea of ​​happiness useful, although it is true that it is the most appropriate state that we all dream of achieving.

The key to survival is being able to respond to danger, threat or loss.

Happiness is only achieved if we are able to weather the storm. Human beings have evolved throughout history by overturning obstacles and difficulties. This is, after all, the learning that matters and that allows us to touch authentic well-being.

We are born stronger than we realize, yet many times we are not aware of it.

You are a strong person: find out why

Your personal story: the mark of a traumatic childhood

Deep inside each of us there are always one or two dramatic facts. A loss, an emotional failure, a disappointment, an attack on our person …

  • Something that we cannot forget is, in the case of having suffered any of these facts in childhood, the trauma will be with us forever. Pain is not forgotten, but we learn to live with it.
  • A child does not have the psychological resources to cope with adversity. This has serious repercussions in his later development and in his personality traits.
  • However, as neurologist and psychiatrist Boris Cyrulnik explains, traumatic childhood does not mean traumatic maturity. We have to be able to face the facts, and we can do it.
  • We can get over it. If, however, this child relies on posterior support and help, he will be able to look at the world again with aplomb and confidence.

We all deserve to be loved, all to be happy again.

The resilience and strength that you have inside.

We cannot forget that the word “resilience” comes from physics. It defines this type of materials which, when a destructive effect is applied to them or when they are modified, are able to recover their initial shape.

  • However, “forever changing” does not mean that we convert into someone who is not worthy of happiness, nor of balance. A different person is also a stronger person.
  • This process is called, effectively, resilience. Our brains, as we said at the beginning, “are programmed” to deal with adversity.

He wants us to move forward, to survive, to learn from fear and difficulty to keep going.

Why do we sometimes fail? This can be because of these three reasons:

  • Our education and genetics
  • The social context around us
  • Not having adequate psychological strategies

Becoming a strong person can be learned

Some, in fact, know how to face the blows of life. Maybe their mothers served as their role model. Maybe they even know how to take things with more temperance in a natural way.

However, it needs to be clear: resilience can be learned.

Becoming a strong person can be learned

To get there, we offer you these three verbalizations that you can carry out day by day and which, without doubt, can help you:

  • Possess the ability to cope with difficulties.
  • Having values, standards of conduct, self-esteem and people who admire me.
  • Ê be a person who believes in hope and has faith in himself.
  • Being able to solve problems, communicate, stand up for myself, have good relationships and strive for my happiness.

These are three simple strategies that our brains can “mold” to give us strength, courage and that essential pillar that will help us walk in life: resilience.

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