Calendula And Its Health Benefits

As much in local application as in infusion, calendula is a very good medicinal plant to relieve multiple problems.

Calendula is one of the most famous medicinal plants for its benefits for the skin. Since it is very easy to find and very economical, it is one of the most popular remedies. It is healing, curative, restorative and moisturizing.

What you need to know first is that this is a herbaceous plant that is no more than 50 centimeters high. It is likely that you can find it near you if you live in rural areas. It is also called garden calendula, calendula flower or marigold.

You will quickly identify it thanks to its beautiful bright orange color that fills the fields when spring arrives and until the first frosts. If you want to enjoy its benefits during the winter, you can put them out to dry when they are fresh.

Just put a few sprigs of calendula on a flat surface under the rays of the sun. Then you can keep them in a glass container or a tightly closed plastic bag.

Fights minor burns

Mild burns can be itchy and painful. They usually occur when you expose yourself to the sun for too long without sun protection. In this case, you can apply a little infusion of calendula at room temperature or a piece of fresh calendula.

If you have fresh calendula on hand, all you have to do is cut it with a knife. Then mix it to make a paste simply with the natural juice of this plant and then apply it on the affected area.

If you prefer to prepare the infusion, follow the following recipe:


  • 1 small sprig of fresh calendula or 1 tablespoon of dry calendula (10 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Bring the water to a boil and add the calendula.
  • Let stand over medium heat until it boils, turn off the heat and let the water cool.

Once the water is at room temperature, apply it to the burn area using a clean cotton cloth.

Reduces inflammationcalendula

Do you suffer from dermatitis problems? Do you have constant painful rashes? In this case you can use calendula water in your daily cleansing routine.

All you need is to prepare the infusion that we mentioned earlier. After cleansing your face, you can apply the infusion by tapping your skin with a cotton ball.

Leave it on for a minute or two and then rinse the face with room temperature water. Then apply a cooling cream or lotion.

Take care of baby’s skin

Babies have very delicate skin. Since it is not prepared for very strong chemicals, it is best to use natural remedies when it presents a problem.

The most common problems calendula calms on baby’s skin are friction caused by diapers or tissues and rashes caused by sweating.

As the skin is already damaged, it is better to avoid using any component which could make the situation worse. In this case you can use the infusion of calendula to clean the affected area.

It is good that after cleaning the area you leave it as much air as possible.

You can also make a homemade cream.


  • 1 cup of natural cream (200 g)
  • 15 or 20 drops of essential oil


  • Mix the two ingredients and store the cream in a plastic or glass jar.

You can apply this cream when your baby has discomfort on the skin or continuously to keep it protected. The natural cream can be found in specialized cosmetic stores or pharmacies.

You can find the oil in herbalists or naturist pharmacies.

Prevents skin infections and eliminates existing onescalendula

The skin can be affected by different problems. In addition to burns, you can suffer from scratches and injuries. If you don’t take care of them, these little accidents can get infected and lead to more serious problems.

To prevent these infections from appearing and eliminate those that have already appeared, you can apply calendula infusion or calendula paste. No matter which method you choose, it is very important that the calendula is clean and dust free.

After you apply it, you will need to wait a day or two for the small infections and redness to go away.

If the infection is already in the skin or smells bad, you must go to see it as soon as possible. It is likely that you will need further care.

Calendula against insect bitescalendula

When you go for a walk in the countryside or in the hot season, you should use repellant. However, if mosquitoes have bitten you in the past, or other insects, such as spiders or fleas, you should avoid scratching.

This will only make the problem worse, as you will spread the insect’s venom. This will cause the switch from one button to several on the same area. The best is to apply compresses of this infusion of calendula regularly.

They will reduce inflammation and itching. In a day or two you will no longer feel any discomfort and you will have no more marks on the skin.

Eliminates phlegm

Do you have a cough with phlegm and are tired of not being able to sleep? Don’t give up hope and make yourself a cup of calendula infusion. Use this drink as a mouthwash and gargle.

In this way you will accelerate the expulsion of mucus and you will be able to heal faster.

Calendula is a much more than pretty plant. Its properties can be very useful to you at very little cost.

What are you waiting for to include it in your pantry?

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