5 Habits To Fight Hair Loss

Hair loss is a problem that affects many people. Although it is possible to minimize the damage by using some traditional treatments, other measures can help stop the fall. Find out what are the good habits to adopt to prevent and fight hair loss!

Beyond the existing treatments to fight hair loss, certain habits can play a decisive role when it comes to dealing with this problem.

Even if you are used to solving your hair problems using traditional products, it is important to keep in mind that other measures can be useful or even necessary.

Excessive hair loss is a problem that goes beyond the aesthetic aspect. Before testing a treatment, it is best to go to the doctor first to identify the underlying cause.

Hair loss can be the result of a hormonal imbalance, the presence of a disease or even a nutritional deficiency.

Are you losing your hair more than usual? After styling your hair, is there more hair than usual on your brush? If the answers to these questions are in the affirmative, you must act now.

Here we give you five good habits to stop hair loss. Regardless of the cause, you can practice the few tips below to alleviate the problem.

You may not be able to stop hair loss overnight, but these tips are key to strengthening scalp and hair. Take notes !

1. Fight hair loss by improving your diet

a good diet to fight against hair loss

Diet plays a very important role in hair health. This is why it is essential to have a good eating routine to prevent and combat hair loss.

A recent study published in 2018 shows that diets high in raw vegetables and fresh herbs reduce the risk of androgenetic alopecia.

The results showed that participants who ate certain foods like parsley, basil and green salads at least three times a week suffered a smaller drop than the other participants.

It should therefore be emphasized that a good diet for hair health includes the following products:

  • organic quality protein sources (lean meats, fish, legumes, eggs, low fat dairy products, among others);
  • foods rich in vitamin A such as potatoes, sweet peppers and spinach;
  • sources of vitamins B, C, and D;
  • sources of iron, selenium and zinc;
  • foods that contain biotin (vitamin b7) or food supplements.

2. Use a mild shampoo

The harsh chemicals found in some commercial shampoos can dry out hair and break it. Moreover, some formulas alter the pH of the scalp and cause the appearance of other problems such as itching or dandruff.

Do you have the habit of using too strong products? The ideal is to opt for mild shampoos, and preferably of natural origin. Use this type of shampoo to keep the scalp healthy and clean.

When buying your shampoo, make sure you choose an option that is suitable for your hair type (dry, oily or combination hair). This will prevent possible unwanted reactions during application.

3. Air dry your hair

Excessive use of the hair dryer breaks the hair and thus promotes hair loss. This is why it is much better to let your hair air dry.

You can remove excess moisture with a clean, soft towel. This measure allows you to avoid scalp irritation and damaged ends.

4. Massage the scalp

This simple technique helps to improve blood circulation in this area, which promotes the process of oxygenation of the follicles. Although more evidence is needed to verify this effect, small studies suggest that this action helps achieve good results.

You can massage your scalp with nutritious essential oils. Among the various options include coconut oil, almond oil or the olive oil.

Massage your scalp for three to five minutes, preferably before going to bed.

5. Manage your stress

fight against hair loss by managing stress

Stress affects many aspects of our health. Hair is no exception: it is sensitive to our emotional state.

One of the triggers for hair loss is constant exposure to stressful situations. So, when it comes to dealing with this problem, it is essential to adopt certain habits to manage stressful situations as best as possible.

We recommend the following techniques:

  • regular physical activity
  • yoga
  • meditation
  • breathing exercises
  • aromatherapy sessions

In short, the practice of certain habits and the application of certain treatments can help to improve the results of topical treatments.

Nevertheless, it is important to know the underlying cause of hair loss because, in most cases, this problem is related to disease or damage.

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