To Train Respectful Adults, Raise Respected Children

As children always follow the examples they see, in order to raise respectful future adults we must be aware of our actions and teach them to appreciate the value of respect.

In order to form future respectful adults, it is necessary that they have been respected during their childhood. During these first years of their life which will build them as people.

When we talk about education, every parent is free to follow whatever trend they want and which they think best matches their values.

But we must never neglect the happiness of our children.

We must reflect on the fact that they will quickly be adults capable of building a more just, more honest and nobler world, if we give them the power to do so.

Education is a great responsibility and one of the most important tasks we have to do as human beings.

We must not become obsessed with this because it is impossible to achieve perfection. Above all, it is about following the path that our heart indicates to us.

In the rest of this article, we are going to talk about mindful and respectful education.

Respectful adults, loved children

When a child comes into the world, he plunges into a universe he does not know.

Not all the behaviors he will exhibit are genetically transmitted. Moreover, he will not necessarily respond positively to everything we try to instill in him.

Each child will develop their own tastes, their own identity, their own passions and concerns.

Children are not copies of their parents. And we should not try to define everything they think or feel.

Our task is to accompany them in their process of growth by showing them love and respect.

If we want our children to be respectful, we must first think about raising children who feel loved and valued.

Family with respectful adults and a loved child.

Respect children’s natural growth rate

In the 1990s, the importance of early stimulation in children became a hot topic.

It is undoubtedly an essential strategy for enabling children affected by developmental problems to understand and develop basic behaviors.

  • But early stimulation should not be confused with haste. Some mothers are obsessed with having their child become a proficient reader by the age of four.
  • Some families educate their children so that they are able to solve math exercises at age 5, while starting to learn foreign languages ​​and doing extra-sport activities, such as music or football.
  • Often, this precipitation results in the formation of stressed children. The stress, anxiety and pressure that children feel are caused by over-demanding education, which is not synonymous with respectful education.
  • Your children must develop at their own pace and in a universe filled with love.
    Let them play, see the world with their own eyes, get dirty in the park, run, then fall, to finally get up.

All of this stems from one principle: respect the natural growth of your children. By feeling loved and respected, your children will naturally grow up to be respectful adults.

To train respectful adults, understand children’s feelings, help them channel their emotions

Whoever raises his voice to his child, who says to him “ Don’t cry, you are grown up now ” or “ Don’t say nonsense, I have no time and I am tired ” will forever mark his emotional world. negative way.

  • A respectful education makes it possible to get closer to the little ones and to channel their emotional world, in order to understand their anger, their fears, their anxiety.
  • Respect for emotions is a fundamental step in allowing a good development of children.
  • If they feel listened to, if they perceive that each word they say touches their interlocutor, they will grow up in a universe of security that will allow them to mature quickly.

Set limits

Education in a respectful manner does not in any way mean that we should not set limits for our children.

They are absolutely necessary. Just as society imposes its own on us, we must instill standards in our children. That they must be able to assimilate.

Determining rights and duties is also a way of establishing respect in the education of children.

This allows them to manage their frustration and know what to expect from others under any circumstances.

The child who does not know where the limits are will always try to go further. And, if he encounters negative reactions, he will feel frustrated and lost.

He will not be able to become a respectful child because no one will have taught him the way in which respect is built.

As you can see, respectful education is not a complex thing.

Many families choose to educate their children in love and respect, in order to forge invisible bonds with their children that will allow them to guide their steps.

  • Children need a world that reassures them. But also to feel free enough to walk the path of their life at their own pace, knowing what they can and cannot do.

Be the best role model possible for your children. Keep in mind that they are small apprentices and they learn more by example than by talking.

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