Plush Doctor: What Can He Teach Your Child

Plush Doctor is a cartoon for children that conveys values ​​like love, respect and tolerance. In this article, we explain what this series can teach your child.

Also known in the United States as Doc McStuffins , Docteur la Peluche (in France) is a children’s cartoon produced by Chris Nee which first appeared on the Disney Channel in 2012 .

Since then, thanks to its positive reviews and success, it has become very popular with children. Indeed, the series has been nominated for numerous awards, most of which have been won. But why has this series had such an impact on the general public?

Discover Doctor the Plush

Dottie “Doc” McStuffins is a 6 year old African American girl who wants to be a doctor when she grows up. This little girl has a magic stethoscope that allows her to heal the toys around her.

Little girl reproducing Doctor the Stuffed Animal

The series is characterized by the special care that Doc brings, both physically and emotionally, to each of the different toys or soft toys that call on her. And all thanks to the knowledge passed on to him by his mother.

Her clinic is a toy house in the garden, where she feels completely free to talk to them and identify their different symptoms. During this operation, Doc calms the scared toys, gently explains to them what is happening to them and heals them.

What Can Doctor Plush Teach Your Children?

In several interviews, Chris Nee, creator and producer of the series, said that the goal of the series is to leave a message and a positive influence in the minds of the youngest.

In fact, she says much of the idea arose out of the situation she was going through at the time with her child. Her son, who was then 7, suffered from asthma. For this reason, Nee wanted to make frequent hospital visits more bearable.

The goal was to create a series that could reflect the world of medicine in a more engaging and entertaining way for children. In addition, the designer also wanted to broaden their vision of the world and find a balance on the roles assigned by gender.

Girl doing like in the cartoon Doctor the Plush

It can be said that Doctor the Plush made a huge contribution to achieving Nee’s goals. However, he also managed to accomplish other goals: read on to find out what Doctor the Plush can teach your children.

Better physical health and nutrition

According to a study conducted about this cartoon, in 100% of the episodes studied, healthy behaviors could be observed. Although we could also find others less positive.

Among the healthiest, we can highlight the importance of first aid and the care given to physical condition through dance. On the other hand, the same study showed that 65% of the episodes included content that encouraged positive eating habits.

Openness to racial diversity

As we stated at the beginning, Doc is a 6 year old African American girl. You would think that the main character of this series is a precursor. Why ? Because in the United States, there are still certain racial barriers implying that doctors of different ethnicities are in the minority.

According to statistics from the American Medical Association , the group consisting of African American and Hispanic physicians, as a whole, represents only 6% of the total physician population. It is undoubtedly a very low percentage which suggests the limited opportunities given to minority groups.

However, the openness to racial diversity promoted by Docteur la Peluch e was the basis of the  We are Doc McStuffins movement (“We are Doctor the Plush”), inviting people to fight for diversity and integration in the field of medicine. .

Integration of alternative gender roles

The parents of Doctor the Plush have gender roles that are not common in most cultures. The father, named Marcus McStuffins , is a man who takes care of Doc and his son, Donny McStuffins . In addition, he takes care of the housework and prepares meals, among other household chores.

On the other hand, Doc’s mother , Doctor Myiesha McStuffins , is a doctor and it is on her that the financial responsibility of the family rests. Something quite seldom depicted, right?

Plush Doctor diversifies culturally endorsed gender roles. In the same way, it makes it possible to widen the vision of the world, as well of the parents, as of the adults. So this is a good program for your child to learn tolerance and diversity.


Ultimately, Doctor the Plush offers different gender roles from the traditional ones that we normally see on television. The series enables children to see the world with greater vision and a greater respect for those who are different.

Likewise, it teaches children positive behaviors to adopt with regard to health and diet. In addition, it helps them see medical and hospital services in a different way.

It even makes it possible to reflect on the fact that any person, regardless of their origins, can become a doctor or a doctor. What do you think ? Do you think that Doctor the Plush can do any good for your child?

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