What Is Colostrum? What Is Its Use?

Colostrum is called liquid gold because it is a substance that contains large amounts of essential elements for the good health of a newborn baby. This is why we insist, among other things, on the importance of breastfeeding.

Colostrum is a substance that is present in one of the phases of breastfeeding. Thanks to its fundamental properties, this is one of the reasons why the importance of naturally nourishing newborns is emphasized. Especially during the first months of life.

More concretely, we can emphasize that  colostrum is the precursor of breast milk. The mammary glands are responsible for its secretion. It is present during pregnancy and also during the first days after childbirth.

This natural food contains everything a newborn baby needs to protect his health  during the first stages of his life. This is why it is also called “liquid gold” because it is one of the greatest gifts a mother can give to her child at birth.

What is colostrum?

A nursing mother.

Colostrum is a thick secretion that is usually yellowish in color. It can also be transparent. Its production begins more or less during the third month of pregnancy. Under normal conditions, it is the first food consumed by the baby at birth.

The amount of colostrum increases if the baby sucks regularly. During the first three days after childbirth, it reaches 20 milliliters per feed, which is enough for the baby’s needs. This liquid is not exclusive to humans since it is also present in cows and other mammals.

It can also be defined as the first milk excreted by the mother during the postpartum period.  This is a fabulous nutrient that provides the baby with immune protection. For many people, this substance is like a first vaccine for the new being.

The properties of colostrum

Colostrum is initially pale in color, then it becomes increasingly yellowish. After three or four days, breast milk becomes increasingly clear until it takes on the characteristic light yellow color. It is the transitional milk. But it is different from that of other mammals because it contains more nutrients.

In addition, the mother is able to produce between 7 and 120 milliliters of colostrum each day. This substance tastes like amniotic fluid. It therefore gives the child a feeling of security because he is used to its flavor in his mother’s womb. This continuity also helps him adjust to his new life.

Breast milk also contains powerful nutrients as well as anti-infective components. However,  colostrum has a higher concentration of protective proteins, vitamins,  carotenes and minerals.

The main benefits

A baby sucking on his mother's breast.

The first contribution of colostrum to a baby’s life is that it meets all of their energy needs. It also helps to prepare the body to organize the subsequent feeding, to promote the development of the intestines, and to contribute to the proper functioning of the kidneys.

One of the most important benefits is that this substance contains a high concentration of immunoglobulins. These allow the newborn to defend itself against bacterial and viral infections. It also contains beta-carotenes. This is what gives the yellowish color to the milk and acts as a precursor of vitamin A.

Vitamin A is fundamental for protection against infections. It also helps the child’s retina to develop normally. In addition, colostrum provides a considerable dose of white blood cells, which help to repel infectious processes.

Other interesting facts about colostrum

Some women feel insecure during the first few days of breastfeeding because they notice that their breasts are hard, but they don’t see the milk coming out. Sometimes they interpret this as a signal that they are not feeding their babies well.

But this is a mistake. This is because  colostrum comes out in small amounts and is sometimes imperceptible. Nevertheless, it fully meets the needs of the newborn.

On the other hand, some adults consume colostrum of bovine origin because it works as a powerful nutrient for those who practice intense physical activity such as athletes. Likewise, this substance is of great help in combating Crohn’s disease, oxidative stress as well as ulcerative colitis. It also strengthens the immune system.

Finally, all health professionals stress the importance for the mother to breastfeed her baby, especially during the first days of her life. Colostrum is indeed essential for the development of the child during the first year, and even throughout his life.

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