Leading By Example Is The Best Way To Educate

We cannot forget that our children are like sponges repeating everything they see. In order to educate them in the best way, we need to lead by example with our actions.

How many times have we wanted our children to do things a certain way, but we haven’t led by example?

If we do not do what we ask or demand, it is very likely that the teachings will not come to an end.

This is all the result of what happens in all families: children pay attention and watch everything their parents do.

Also, setting an example is very important to avoid clashes, arguments and a series of problems that arise as a result of this paternal inconsistency.

Words get carried away by the wind

Saying “don’t put your feet on the table” or “throw the papers in the trash and not on the floor” is easy; but the most difficult is to lead by example.

If one of the parents puts his feet on the table, the child will not understand why he is told something and the person who ordered him does the opposite.

This is when the child will rebel and do the same as his progenitor. As a result, a series of anger, arguments, kicks and very curious phrases will arise.

  • For example, when the child reproaches his parents “why can’t I put my feet on the table if you do?” one of the classic parent responses will be “ because I say it and that’s it”.

Do we really believe this will work? Such a dictatorial, unfair and inconsistent statement will never bring about the desired results.

Without realizing it, we ourselves provoke arguments in our homes that could certainly be avoided.

However, the responsibilities and the amount of tasks that we have in mind prevent us from being aware of how simple things are.

An argument with the boss or frustration with the partner has to come out a certain way. Who pays for it? The little ones in the household, who are in no way to blame.

Inconsistency: a bomb to educate in adolescence

The inconsistency to educate them.

If the little ones can start to rebel in the face of this evidence of inconsistency in the family environment, everything becomes more complicated in adolescence.

It is then that patience is essential for you and where the “because I say it” will have a greater impact on the children.

We cannot demand what we do not do. Leading by example is the best way to educate, without commanding, without giving orders, asking, demanding and all that we do as parents.

Parents are people, and so are children. The former certainly have authority, but they must learn to put it on the table in the right way.

If leading by example is not seen as a priority, we will lose that authority based on screams, threats and anger that turns the house into chaos.

The teenage stage requires stability, a great deal of love and understanding, not shouts and absurd words.

Because we will only encourage hatred, negative emotions and the complete disrespect of children towards ourselves.

Do not put ourselves at their level to educate them

We do not put ourselves at their level to educate them.

When a parent yells, gets offended, and starts arguing with their child like they’re the same age, they lose all authority.

Leading by example does not mean letting yourself be carried away by those emotions that urge you to do the easiest thing: raise your voice, command and demand, and say “ because I am your parent you must obey me”.

Getting on the same level as the kids will only make things worse. But of course, to avoid this, you have to start by setting an example.

There are a lot of responsibilities, money problems, worry about the future of the children. However, you should never put aside something very important: showing them the love you have for them.

Because sometimes, everyday life boils down to screams and arguments that actually make no sense. Where is love in all of this? And the comprehension ?

If we strive to be better every day and learn from the mistakes that we can visualize through our own children, we will be on the right path.

Working to be the best version of ourselves will allow the younger ones to follow this teaching with little effort.

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