Daily Exercises That Will Help You Tone Your Breasts

To get the best results when you tone your breasts, you will need to combine exercises using weights with localized massages and cold showers to reaffirm the area .

In this article we propose a series of several sets of exercises to tone your breasts in a simple and effective way.

The breasts are part of the musculature of our body. In this sense, over time they lose their firmness due to different factors:

  • Gravity
  • Using bras that are too tight
  • Weight gains and losses
  • The pregnancy
  • Hormonal changes
  • Lack of exercise

Tone breasts

To tone the breasts and prevent their fall, we will have to start a general treatment that takes into account several factors such as:

  • Balanced diet (rich in fruits, vegetables, good quality protein, whole carbohydrates, healthy fats and fiber)
  • Daily exercises
  • Good posture
  • Bras adapted to your breasts
  • Good skin hydration

From the age of 30, we should start to strengthen our breasts by performing daily exercises. However, women who have more flaccidity in their teens or early youth should start from this point.

Are the weights necessary?tone your breasts

To perform this series of exercises that tone the breasts, you will need to use objects that have weight. If you are not overweight, you can use water bottles, for example.

There are also elastic bands that increase muscle resistance without using weights. These are highly recommended to start or if we are suffering from joint problems.

Exercise sets

You can practice these exercises while standing, sitting or lying down. In addition, you can vary the position according to your comfort. For example, if your back hurts a lot, try sitting or lying down instead.

1. Practice horizontal lifting

To begin this series of exercises, you will need to choose a weight or an object to replace it.

  • Keep your legs slightly apart, hip-distance apart, then support the weight and raise your arms open to shoulder height.
  • Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

It is important to maintain an upright posture and a tight abdomen throughout the exercise.

2. Practice lifting forward

In the same position you will need to lift both arms keeping them straight but, instead of doing it sideways, you will do it forward.

  • The hands will remain in front of the chest, the arms outstretched.
  • Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

3. Lift and open the arms

This third exercise is a combination of the previous two.

  • Raise your arms straight forward, to chest height, and from there, open them out to the sides.
  • Return to the initial position and descend to rest for a few seconds.
  • Perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions.

4. Lift and bend your elbows

For this exercise you will need to raise your arms forward to chest height and, once in this position, bend your elbows.

  • The forearms must remain in a vertical position.
  • Then you are going to stretch your arms again and lower them until they drop.
  • Perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions.

5. Bend and open your elbows

tone your breasts

These last two exercises are a little different, since the first movement will be to bend the elbows. These should stay in front of your chest and your hands up.

  • From this position, you will open your elbows to the sides and then you will bend them.
  • Repeat this movement 30 times without lowering your arms.

6. Bend and raise your elbows

The last exercise also begins by bending the elbows. However, instead of doing it forward, you will do it upward.

  • The movement is like lifting weights until you stretch your arms vertically.
  • Repeat this movement 30 times without lowering your arms.

Cold shower

To improve this series of exercises to tone the breasts, we recommend that you take advantage of the moment of the shower to activate the circulation in this part of the body.

For this, you will only need to rinse your breasts with cold water for a few moments.

Using cold water or even alternating it with hot water, you will get the effect of contracting and expanding blood vessels.

This action promotes circulation and improves elasticity and firmness of the skin.

Massage with oil

To further improve the firmness of the pectoral muscle, you can apply an oil to the breasts after showering. In addition, you will be able to facilitate its penetration through the pores if you perform a light massage.

You can use a nutritious base oil, like these:

  • Olive
  • Sesame
  • Almond
  • Lawyer
  • Coco

In addition, you can also mix these base oils with a few drops of pure essential oils.

The essential oils, not only will perfume the oil with their aroma, but will increase the firming properties. You can use for example lavender, geranium or rose essential oil.

Even though it may seem tiring or even boring, physical exercise is highly recommendable for preventing breast problems as it helps release toxins and prevents obstructions in the lymphatic system.

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