Red Onion Remedies To Fight Intestinal Worms

The sulfur compounds in red onion can combine with other ingredients to effectively fight intestinal worms and speed up recovery from problems that they usually provoke. Discover today how to prepare several natural remedies based on red onion to effectively fight against intestinal worms.

It is essential to go to the doctor and receive an accurate diagnosis to fight intestinal worms. Although some symptoms allow us to suspect this infection, we cannot start treatment without prior confirmation. Therefore, before trying any treatment option, it is essential to receive professional care.

According to a Mayo Clinic report  , the  treatment for intestinal worms may include deworming drugs such as  than Albendazole or Mebendazole. Likewise, the doctor recommends the adoption of certain hygiene measures to minimize the risk of contagion. What else can we do?

Although we should prioritize medical treatment,  we can use some natural remedies  which apparently have positive effects in combating this problem. Among the options we find red onion, known for its nutritional quality and properties.

What are intestinal worms?

Intestinal worms are organisms that infect the body of another living being, causing digestive complications. According to  data from  Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition  , it’s’  one of the most common infections in humans in developing countries.

Most cases result from a parasite commonly called Enterobius vermicularis . This parasite is also known as pinworm, which is why this disease  may be  referred to as  pinworm infection .


Red onion

The most common symptoms experienced by people with intestinal parasites are constant abdominal pain, itching in the perineal area, and a  swollen stomach or excess gas.  Can also occur:

  • Frequent fatigue for no apparent reason
  • Periods of diarrhea interspersed with constipation
  • Presence of small white spots in the stool
  • Weight loss for no apparent reason
  • Altered appetite with high or low appetite
  • Very dark stools

5 red onion remedies to fight intestinal worms

After the diagnosis, and after receiving the medical treatment formula, we can ask the professional if there is a possibility of using onion remedies to fight intestinal worms.  If the doctor agrees, we can use it as a supplement.

The red onion is used in popular culture as adjuvant to fight against parasitic infections.  In fact, recent research titled Anti-Parasitic Activities of Allium sativum and Allium cepa against Trypanosoma b. brucei and Leishmania tarentolae support its antiparasitic properties.

According to the study, garlic and onion contain components that facilitate the elimination of intestinal worms. More precisely,  their use in combination with common trypanocidal / leishmanicidal drugs is suggested to increase their antiparasitic activity.

How to take advantage of it? There are several home remedies that can help. However, we must keep in mind that the evidence regarding their safety and effectiveness is limited. Therefore, they  should be used with caution, only as a supplement. 

1. Salad with red onion, garlic and avocado

The sulfur compounds and flavonoids in red onion help eliminate various harmful agents that may exist in the body. Combined with garlic and avocado, they form a magnificent blend capable of reducing and eliminating intestinal worms.


  • 1 red onion
  • 1 avocado
  • 3 heads of garlic
  • Nuts (according to taste)
  • 10 squash or pumpkin seeds


  • Wash the onion and cut it into small pieces.
  • Open the avocado and cut it according to your preferences (into strips, dice, slices …)
  • Crush about 2-3 heads of garlic
  • Toast the 10 seeds of the squash in a pan to brown them.
  • Mix all the ingredients to compose your salad and add nuts if you like them.

2. Red onion juice to fight intestinal worms

To speed up intestinal transit, red onion juice is a very suitable option, as it allows the rapid expulsion of intestinal worms. Therefore, it is recommended to drink or eat considerable amounts of this depurative vegetable.


  • 6 red onions
  • Water (the amount needed)


  • Chop 6 red onions and place them in a container with enough water to cover them completely.
  • Then, let the red onions sit in the water overnight.
  • The next morning, drink a cup of red onion water on an empty stomach.
  • Repeat this remedy for a week

3. Milk flavored with mint and red onion

Red onion

Peppermint and red onion leaf flavored milk is an excellent remedy for parasites. This natural treatment allows the rapid elimination of intestinal worms due to its natural anthelmintic action.


  • 1 red onion
  • 4 stems and 10 green leaves of peppermint
  • ½ glass of skimmed milk (100 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)


  • Place the milk and peppermint in a saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  • Then, chop the red onion into small pieces.
  • Finally, then add the red onion to the mixture of milk and mint.
  • Then add a tablespoon of honey to the previous ingredients.
  • You can consume this hot natural remedy an hour before breakfast. To see good results, you will need to take the treatment for at least a week and then stop it.

4. Papaya, rue and red onion juice to fight intestinal worms

Red onion

The street anthelmintic properties are very good for fighting intestinal worm problems. Likewise, papaya adds a higher content of flavonoids which speeds up the process of destroying these bacteria. Finally, thanks to the red onion, we will obtain a powerful remedy against intestinal worms and their symptoms.


  • 1 red onion
  • ½ teaspoon of papaya seeds (7 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of dried rue leaves (15 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Chop the red onion into small pieces.
  • Cut the papaya in half and extract the seeds.
  • Place the ingredients in a saucepan and boil them.
  • Then you will have to drink this natural remedy preferably hot throughout the day.

5. Mugwort and red onion infusion

Red onion

Mugwort contains pest control features very useful for fighting intestinal worms. In combination with the sulfur compounds and the flavonoids of red onion, we will obtain a powerful mixture that will allow you to effectively eliminate all intestinal parasites. However, it should be avoided in case of pregnancy, breastfeeding or kidney problems.


  • ¼ red onion
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)
  • 2 tablespoons of mugwort leaves (30 g)


  • Cut a quarter of a red onion into very fine pieces.
  • Then, boil the water. Once the water reaches the boiling point, add the mugwort leaves.
  • Then let these mugwort leaves sit in boiling water to infuse for at least 5 minutes.
  • Finally, you can filter the drink and consume it hot or lukewarm, 3 times a day.

Take advantage of the remedies as an adjunct

If your doctor allows it, you can try natural remedies.  with onion to fight against intestinal worms. They are not, however, a substitute for medical treatment, so you should always maintain some precaution.

Follow the professional’s instructions, maintain a good lifestyle and you will see how little by little you will begin to recover. Comfort!

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