What Are Frostbite? Discover 6 Natural Products To Treat Them Effectively

Calendula tea and oil are two very effective remedies for relieving the discomfort of frostbite and speeding up their healing. Discover today in this article how to treat this type of skin lesion with 7 natural remedies that you can prepare yourself at home.

When cold days come, frostbite and other skin conditions also appear. The skin on the hands, feet and ears turns red and inflamed. Do you want to get rid of these troubles? In this case, check out this article in which we will tell you about  6 natural products to effectively treat frostbite.

Usually,  frostbite occurs after prolonged exposure to constant damp cold. They are to be distinguished from frostbite which are ischemic lesions resulting from prolonged exposure to intense cold.

These are usually mild skin conditions. The atypical forms however require the realization of a complementary assessment in order to exclude differential diagnoses.

Find out in this article what causes frostbite and how to treat this skin condition in a simple way thanks to 6 natural products that you can acquire quite easily. Note them carefully and prevent the onset of frostbite when the cold of winter comes.

What are frostbite?

how to cure frostbite naturally

Erythema pernio is inflammation of the blood vessels in the skin due to continued exposure to cold air.  Frostbite is often caused by the cold, especially in the feet and hands, and accompanied by inflammation, sometimes even cracks.

They usually appear on the hands and feet and can cause various symptoms such as  redness, burning, itching, blisters and ulcers.

In addition, frostbite is usually linked to blood circulation problems. However, humidity, inadequate clothing, and being female increase their risk of occurrence.

In most cases, frostbite gets better on its own between 1 and 2 weeks. However, if they become infected or if symptoms persist, we advise you to seek immediate medical attention. In addition, you should take special precautions in case of diabetes or poor blood circulation.

To improve the many disorders caused by frostbite, we suggest you discover 6 effective natural products. Write them down to protect yourself when winter comes!

6 natural products to treat frostbite

Now we present several natural products whose anti-inflammatory and soothing properties will help you fight and reduce the symptoms of frostbite. Write them down!

1. Potato to treat frostbite

Who doesn’t have potatoes at home? This tuber is an inexpensive and effective natural remedy for reducing inflammation and pain caused by frostbite. In addition, the potato is very effective in cases of skin conditions due to prolonged exposure to the sun or cold, such as frostbite.

For this you need to grate a raw potato and place it for a few minutes in the form of a poultice on the affected area. Once the product is absorbed, you can remove this poultice and rinse the area affected by frostbite.

2. Ginger to treat frostbite

Ginger has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which is why it is very useful in treating frostbite. This rhizome is a spice widely used in a large number of Asian and Indian cuisines.

On the other hand, this spice can also treat certain ailments. For this we will use ginger essential oil. To treat frostbite, place ginger essential oil diluted in vegetable oil (coconut germ, olive, almond or wheat germ) on your skin.

3. Arnica to treat frostbite

Arnica is a plant that promotes blood circulation in the area where it is applied. In traditional medicine, mountain arnica is described in European pharmacopoeias for its use in the treatment of small traumas such as hematomas. Arnica extracts contain active ingredients whose antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action is very useful for the treatment of bruises, burns and joint problems.

Arnica has been used topically since ancient times. It is particularly used as a solution against strokes, rheumatism and infections. This plant, known for its colorful yellow flowers, continues to be used even today in natural medicine. Moreover, many of its extracts are used in the manufacture of ointments, gels and other therapeutic products which, in general, aim to soothe inflammation and pain.

We can find it in several textures: gel, cream, oil and tincture. This herb is very useful in relieving frostbite and other skin lesions, especially in children. Arnica extracts contain anti-inflammatory and analgesic substances that help soothe severe pain such as arthritis. On the other hand, its topical use helps fight inflammation and poor blood circulation.

4. Calendula to treat frostbite

calendula against frostbite

Calendula is the second emergency remedy for many skin conditions after arnica. This orange flower is very effective in soothing and relieving the itching so common in sensitive skin. It is also used to treat many other skin conditions such as frostbite.

For this, you can use different types of lotions and creams based on calendula, as well as its natural extract. On the other hand, you can also use its pure oil, very suitable for nourishing the most sensitive and delicate skin.

Calendula is one of the most famous medicinal plants for its benefits for the skin. Since it is very easy to find and very economical, it is one of the most popular remedies. It is healing, curative, restorative and moisturizing.

Mild burns from both cold and heat can be very itchy and painful. In this case, you can apply a little infusion of calendula at room temperature or a piece of fresh calendula flower. If you have calendula on hand, all you have to do is cut it. Then mix it to make a paste simply with the natural juice of this plant and then apply it on the affected area.

5. Onion to treat frostbite

The use of onion poultices to cure skin problems has a long history. It also helps calm the itchy sensation that frostbite causes.

Onion contains high amounts of allicin, an element known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, as well as to promote blood circulation.

6. Rosemary to treat frostbite

Thanks to its chemical components, rosemary is widely used to stimulate blood circulation and reduce inflammation of skin lesions. While rubbing with rosemary vinegar soothes sore muscles, it can also slightly irritate the skin.

These substances stimulate blood flow, especially in the lower part of the body, minimizing the appearance of varicose veins, cellulitis and stretch marks. Applied by massage, it is useful in promoting lymphatic function, which removes toxins and fluids that influence the formation of nodules.

As a precautionary measure, we recommend that you use a concentrated infusion of this herb in compresses to apply it to the area affected by frostbite. For this, you can prepare an infusion of rosemary by throwing two handfuls of rosemary in a liter of hot water. Let it cool and that’s it! Say goodbye to frostbite once and for all.

We hope these natural products will help you treat and reduce frostbite quickly and effectively. Be sure to also read our latest tips to avoid the appearance of frostbite.

Final tips to avoid frostbite

The symptoms of frostbite being related to the cold, it is absolutely necessary, to avoid them, to fight against the situations which could produce these skin lesions.

The first precaution is to properly cover the areas affected by the cold, that is to say the hands and feet. So wear gloves, mittens on your hands and warm socks for your feet. Choose natural materials like wool or cotton and avoid synthetic, which promotes perspiration.

Certain items and other products can also help you fight the cold. You can find small heaters to slip into your pocket in sports stores. They will give you the effect of a small hot water bottle and reduce the cold on your hands. Also remember to put woolen soles in your shoes, which will insulate and warm your feet. There are even heated thermal insoles.

Also, be sure to wear shoes that are wide enough to avoid having your feet too tight and cutting off the blood flow. If this precaution is not enough and the frostbite still recurs on one toe or on an area of ​​the sole of the foot, you can have it made by a specialist in insoles or protective orthotics for the toes.

To fight against the cold, you can also use Tiger Balm. Indeed, this ointment has stimulating effects on the blood circulation and it is therefore very effective in warming the cold extremities of the body. Before going out, massage your feet and hands with a small dab of this product, then put on your socks and gloves. Be careful, however, this ointment containing essential oils, it is contraindicated in pregnant or breastfeeding women as well as children under ten years old.

It is well known that women are normally colder than men, but is this really true? Faced with this doubt, the researchers decided to find out more about this subject. Have you ever wondered why women are generally colder than men? Did you know that there are scientific studies that explain this reason. Find out more in this article.

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