9 Secrets To A Great Body. Put Them Into Practice!

Instead of seeing these tips as an obligation to get the body you want, think of them as a way to achieve overall well-being and good health.

Getting the dream body you want takes, above all, willpower and investment. More than an effort, it must turn into an attitude towards life, where the objective will be the following: to maintain the ideal weight for good health.

Thus, achieving the dream figure also involves accepting a realistic perspective. The age, metabolism and constitution that we have determine our concrete body image.

Accepting this body pattern is the first thing. Later, we can take the next steps to improve ourselves, shed extra pounds, and firm up the softer parts.

Losing weight while staying healthy and enjoying our beauty is possible if we put these tips into practice. They are easy to implement and will improve our general well-being.

Strategies to achieve a dream body

dream body

1. You have to have a “good” breakfast

Having a good breakfast doesn’t mean leaving home with a cup of coffee, let alone on an empty stomach. Let’s put aside the flawed theories or restrictive weight loss techniques.

  • Our body went 8 hours without eating and to maintain a stable metabolism, we must follow a routine program.
  • A good breakfast should include fiber, vitamins and of course protein. To get the body you want, it is necessary to never rule out protein sources like, for example, eggs.
  • Another essential point to take into account during breakfast: oats are ideal for improving the figure and health.

         How about pairing it with a little apples and nuts? 

2. Plan your meals

To have good control over what we eat, we need to plan ahead. This way, you will avoid mistakes like arriving home and only prepare what you want.

  • Do not hesitate: buy yourself a diary and then start establishing the diet for the week. You can also find tasty and original recipes if you do it in time.

3. Always have a water bottle in your purse

It doesn’t cost anything, and it’s very easy to sip small sips throughout the day. This habit helps eliminate toxins and better purify the body.

  • If you’re motivated, you can even add a little lemon juice to boost its benefits and enjoy a more palatable taste.

4. Replace refined flours with wholemeal flours

On our shopping list, we must add whole grain rice and pasta, and whole grain bread, such as oats or rye. Also opt for wholemeal flour too, when you bake cakes.

This simple change in your diet will promote your health and help you get the dream body you want. It is worth the effort. 

5. Take a walk for half an hour a day

dream body

During the day, surely you have half an hour or an hour of free time. Before you relax in front of the TV or immerse yourself in household chores, it is worth putting on good shoes, comfortable clothes and going for a walk.

This aerobic exercise will improve your heart health and also help you lose weight. Are you ready to go out with your group of friends?

6. Yes to healthy fats

Never make the mistake of following a restrictive diet where you deny yourself any type of fat.  Indeed, a healthy diet must absolutely contain monounsaturated fatty acids.

These provide us with satiety, take care of the health of our arteries and also increase our serotonin levels to improve our morale.

So, do not hesitate to consume the following foods:

  • The salmon
  • Nuts
  • Olive oil
  • Avocado
  • The almonds
  • Flax seeds

7. Eat chia seeds

Chia seeds will help you have the dream body you want. First of all, they help us speed up the metabolism and burn fat in the abdomen.

Likewise, the following qualities should not be forgotten:

  • Rich in omega-3
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Help fight cellulite and prevent premature aging.
  • Satisfying
  • Excellent intestinal regulators

8. Small resistance exercises

Whenever you have a few spare minutes, take advantage of it. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have weight at home. Sometimes the imagination is the best resource.

  • Nothing like putting on your favorite music and going up the stairs. You can also do curls, carry weights …

If you are consistent, the results will be seen in a very short time.

9. Sleep 8 hours a day

Sleeping 6 hours or less every day has serious consequences. Our metabolism changes: in fact, we run the risk of developing diabetes if the insomnia becomes chronic.

  • In addition, when we sleep little and we feel tired, the brain activates reward centers. So eating satisfies us and relaxes us, so we end up gaining weight.
  • Going a week without getting enough sleep will cause us to consume foods rich in carbohydrates to compensate for this energy deficit in our brain.

So, don’t doubt it: to get the dream body you want, you need to follow stable sleep schedules.

Always eat at the same time, get 8 hours of sleep a night, do some sport as well, and before that, make these healthy strategies your lifestyle. It pays to put in some effort to have the perfect body!

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