9 Foods To Eat At Night For A Flat Stomach

To have a flat stomach, we must be patient and combine diuretic and natural foods with frequent physical activity to burn more fat.

Do you want to have a flatter stomach? Such aspiration, as you know, requires three basic keys: consistency, exercise and good nutrition.

You won’t get there in a day, and neither in a week. It is after several weeks that you will begin to perceive a drop in volume. You will feel more firmness, less flaccidity and a few sizes less.

Beyond the physical aspect, it is important to monitor the volume of your belly for a very important reason: health.

It should not be forgotten that a bloated belly is linked to a higher risk of suffering from cardiovascular problems.

So, it is worth getting your hands dirty and for that, nothing like a good diet.

Today we want to give you a list of foods to eat during your dinners that will help you get a flat stomach.

1. Yes to green vegetables for a flat stomach

The fastest way to get a flatter stomach is to eat green vegetables every day.

But, as you know, during dinner, you have to choose your vegetables carefully to avoid heavy digestion and promote a pleasant sleep.

  • The best vegetables for dinner are kale, spinach, and lettuce.
  • But be aware that if they prove to be too heavy for your intestines, we recommend that you steam them.
  • Thus, they will retain a good part of their properties and they will facilitate a good rest, especially if you consume a little salad during your dinner.

2. Olive oil

Don’t ban olive oil from your diet and don’t be afraid to consume it every day to get a flatter stomach.

The fatty acids in extra virgin olive oil such as oleic acid, for example, can help us to strengthen the breakdown of the most resistant fats in our body, especially those in the belly.

  • Season your salads with olive oil: your health and your figure will thank you.

3. A mint tea

Before going to bed, don’t hesitate to prepare yourself a good mint tea.

In addition to acting as a muscle relaxant, mint helps you cleanse the body. It is a very powerful anti-inflammatory and a fabulous ally for liver health.

  • You can take up to two cups of mint tea per day.

Remember that the best time to promote your well-being and weight loss is in the evening (because this is the time when the liver and its functions are renewed).

4. Kelp algae

If you’ve never heard of kelp algae, now is the time to check it out. They are appreciated for their high iodine content. In addition, they regulate our rate of metabolism (the rate at which the body burns fat).

In addition, kelp seaweed is rich in multiple vitamins, which are ideal for promoting the breakdown of belly fat and relieving water retention.

Get them in the specialized sections of your supermarket. They will enchant you!

5. Asparagus

Asparagus is delicious. Consume the ones you prefer, white, purple or green, as they are all excellent for your health.

They are full of vitamins (A, group B, C and E), as well as minerals like zinc or potassium, necessary to promote the elimination of excess fluids in our body.

6. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are very popular and are excellent for dinner, if mixed with a little protein.

  • They are full of antioxidants and help us lose weight: they fight inflammation and water retention in the body.
  • In addition, thanks to the leptin they contain, a type of protein, they regulate the metabolism and give a greater feeling of fullness.

7. Watermelons

Watermelons, in addition to the water they contain, are very rich in potassium, a mineral essential for the proper elimination of excess fluids in the body.

In addition, watermelons are very rich in vitamin C and take care of our immune system by fighting against inflammation.

Motivate yourself to prepare delicious salads in which you can add a little watermelon. You will love !

8. Cucumbers

Cucumber is actually a member of the watermelon and melon family. They therefore share the same slimming virtues as the latter.

They are satiating, diuretic and full of vitamins. In your dinners, you can cut them into thin strips and serve them seasoned with a little apple cider vinegar.

9. Artichokes

Foods for a flat stomach

Artichokes are excellent and ideal for dinner.

They are high in fiber, fight stomach bloating, are low in calories, are nutritious and of course, delicious.

  • Also, don’t forget that artichokes are vegetables that support liver health.
  • Any food that takes care of the health of the liver is ideal for dinner, because as you know, during the night this organ performs important detoxification tasks.

To conclude, if you want to lose belly fat, it is necessary to be constant and to combine a healthy, varied and balanced diet with exercises.

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