9 Beauty Tips To Stimulate Your Hair Growth

Increasing your protein intake is not the only way to have beautiful hair. External care is also excellent for promoting their growth, strengthening and sanitizing them.

Women all over the world want long, thick and healthy hair, considering it to be one of the most important physical attractions. Many, however, have to deal with problems with hair loss, brittleness and other hair disorders that prevent hair growth and affect their beauty.

There are, however, many beauty treatments and professional techniques that can be helpful in solving all of those issues that prevent you from having perfect hair.

Among them are several natural beauty tips that stimulate healthy hair growth without causing annoying side effects.

So, below, we will share with you the 9 tips that we should all consider to have radiant hair.

1. Increase your protein intake

Did you know that hair is made up of protein? It is therefore essential to increase our consumption of these nutrients, and to ingest the recommended daily dose.

Their action on the body increases the production of red blood cells, which are very important for the transport of oxygen and other nutrients to the hair follicles.

Here are some healthy sources of protein:

  • Red meats
  • Turkey and chicken
  • Soy and its derivatives
  • Skimmed milk
  • The blue fish
  • The dried fruit
  • Lentils
  • Eggs

2. Brush your hair several times a day

Brushing your hair several times a day is one of the best ways to stimulate blood circulation in the area, making it easier to transport nutrients to the hair follicles.

Also choose a soft toothbrush and give yourself a scalp massage twice a day, preferably in the evening.

3. Avoid the use of silicone products

Products made from silicone seem to repair hair, but in reality they are very harmful in the long run.

They can indeed clog hair follicles, prevent hair growth and alter their natural oils.

4. Do not wash your hair every day

Although some people wash their hair every day because it is oily, it is not recommended at all. This is because hair takes a long time to recover from the effects of chemicals inflicted on it.

Hair health experts recommend washing them two to three times a week, so as not to alter the natural pH of the scalp.

5. Cut the tips

Even though trimming the ends does not seem like a technique for growing hair, it is still an essential step in obtaining strong and healthy hair.

The deterioration of the ends has a negative impact on the rest of the hair and prevents their natural growth.

Cutting them regularly also facilitates oxygenation of the hair follicles and stimulates growth.

6. Olive oil

An olive oil massage is helpful in nourishing the scalp and delivering essential nutrients to the hair.


  • It is enough to heat a little olive oil (to a bearable temperature) then to apply it on all the hair with a gentle massage.

7. Linseed oil

The natural oil extracted from flax seeds is a source of essential fatty acids that improve cardiovascular health and deeply nourish hair.

Ingesting and applying it directly stimulates hair growth and restores environmental damage.

8. Apple vinegar

Thanks to the acids contained in apple vinegar, its application to the scalp is ideal for cleaning the hair and eliminating dandruff.

A lotion of this product diluted in water is perfect for shiny and long hair.


  • Prepare a solution with two equal doses of apple cider vinegar and water, and apply it all over the scalp, after normal rinsing.

9. Onion water

The sulfur compounds and other nutrients in onion make it an ideal ally for strong and healthy hair.

Even though the smell of onion is not very pleasant, many people choose this option because it stimulates natural hair growth and gives it shine. 


  • Cook several onions in a saucepan with plenty of water, let it boil and strain the liquid.
  • Use the water as the rinse water for the hair, then use your regular shampoo.

With these simple tips, you will be able to achieve fuller and more beautiful hair.

However, you should know that the results are not immediate and that it is important to be regular to obtain the desired effects.

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