8 Warnings Your Body Sends You Before A Stroke

Even though the symptoms of a stroke can be confused with other conditions, it is important to know them and discuss them with a specialist to obtain an appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

A cerebral infarction is a stroke caused by the death of part of the brain mass due to a failure in the blood supply.

Since one of the blood vessels breaks or becomes blocked due to a clot, the brain does not get the blood flow it needs and as a result, the nerve cells do not get enough oxygen.

It is a disease which is increasing in the population all over the world and whose appearance is linked to cases of hypertension, lipid disorders and smoking.

It affects almost as much men as women, but more than half of the deaths affect women.

In addition, after 55 years, the risk increases and multiplies with each past decade.

Most worrying is that like other diseases of the cardiovascular system, its timely detection is difficult and tends to be confused with other more common problems. 

While symptoms tend to come on suddenly, in some cases patients perceive that something is not working well long before the worst happens.

And even if detecting does not prevent, it still increases the probability of surviving without suffering serious sequelae.

Discover the warning signs!

1. High blood pressure

Patients with high blood pressure often do not experience clear symptoms that alert them to the danger that is setting in.

The problem is that it moves forward without control and greatly increases the risk of a stroke or cerebral hemorrhage.

High blood pressure tends to damage or narrow the blood vessels in the brain, causing them to break or lose blood.

It is important to undergo regular medical check-ups, especially when significant risk factors arise.

2. Rigid neck and cerebral infarction

Neck stiffness can be caused by periods of stress, poor posture, or muscle strain.

However, one should not rule out the possibility that it may be due to blockage or bleeding in one of the blood vessels.

If you can no longer touch your chest with your chin and you feel the pain spreading all the way to your head, see a doctor immediately.

3. A severe headache

Headache is a common symptom that can manifest for multiple reasons, which are often mild.

But when it is very severe and with no apparent cause, you have to go to the hospital for a test.

The intense, throbbing headaches alert you to an increase in high blood pressure and in the most severe cases, to the onset of a stroke.

4. Paralysis on one side of the body

Also known as hypoglycemic paralysis, it is a common symptom in those who are about to suffer from a cerebral infarction.

It occurs when the person is sleeping, although it can sometimes happen a little before rest.

Most of the times it is not easy to diagnose but it should never be ignored.

5. Visual problems and cerebral infarction

A person who does not have visual problems but who often has blurred or diminished vision should see a doctor. 

Although this symptom can mean several health problems, the possibility that it is a stroke should not be ruled out.

6. Sudden fatigue and cerebral infarction

Losing your energies suddenly should always be a reason to turn on the red lights.

Fatigue is a common symptom of many serious health problems. Especially when something interrupts the correct oxygenation of the brain.

People who are at risk of having a cerebral infarction tend to sleep more than normal and may even lose consciousness.

7. The difficulty of walking and moving the arms

Having difficulty coordinating movement of the extremities is a common symptom of a stroke.

If not everyone who suffers from this disease perceives it, sometimes this phenomenon can occur before the attack.

Strong and abnormal shoulder pain is more than enough reason to seek medical help.

8. Dizziness, nausea and general confusion, signals of a cerebral infarction

Obviously, these are symptoms of many health problems and hardly ever represent anything serious. Even if these are reasons for medical consultation.

They should be listened to and evaluated, especially when the person already has a cardiovascular problem, which increases the risk.

In conclusion, even if it is not easy to detect a stroke in time, it is good to know the possible symptoms that appear before the accident.

Listening to these signals and seeking immediate medical help is key to avoiding tragic consequences.

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