8 Things You Should Know About Your Colon

Don’t watch out for aggressive diets that promise to cleanse your colon. To maintain a healthy colon, we need to eat a proper diet that is low in fat, and high in fiber.

The colon is the last part of our digestive system. The main functions of the colon are the extraction of water, the storage of residues, the maintenance of the body’s hydration balance and the absorption of important vitamins such as vitamin K.

That is why taking care of our colon is very important in order to be healthy. In the following article, we will present 8 things you should know about this organ.

1. Watch out for irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a very common disease, especially in women. It is characterized by diarrhea, abdominal bloating and symptoms of constipation.

These symptoms can last for several months. This is why one should consult a doctor before the first signs of this disease.

2. Malfunction of the colon leads to diarrhea

When our colon is not functioning properly, it is difficult for it to absorb the food and fluids that enter our body, which leads to the onset of diarrhea.

To allow the walls of this organ to function well, we recommend that you consume rice, applesauce, bananas and rusks.

3. Malfunction of the colon also leads to constipation

Constipation and colon.

This organ is also responsible for constipation. This is usually due to a drop in bowel activity over several days.

It is very important to get plenty of fiber and water when you are suffering from constipation.

4. Watch out for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are another of the pathologies that can affect our organ. This is an inflammation of the veins and arteries in the rectum or nearby areas.

Although this is something to be ashamed of, it is very important to pay attention to it. So, it is better to consult a doctor and opt for a diet rich in fiber.

5. Watch out for colon cancer

Colon cancer is one of the most common diseases in many countries. Like all cancers, it is characterized by the appearance of malignant cells.

The colon is a place of waste and different types of bacteria, which makes it easier for cancer to develop.

However, this type of pathology is easy to detect thanks to the obvious symptoms. Your doctor will first ask you to test for blood in the stool. This is a very simple and painless test that will help you find out what type of cancer is causing the pain.

6. Don’t be fooled

Fiber to preserve the colon.

The fashion for colon cleansing treatments or processes has grown a lot in recent years. However, you have to be very careful with this.

These treatments are not very effective and are especially very aggressive against the body. The best is still to cleanse your colon in a natural way by consuming foods rich in fiber.

7. What does our colon look like?

The colon is long, about 1.5 meters, and has a diameter of 6.5 centimeters. It extends from the central part of the abdomen to the rectum.

Its characteristics, and some of its functions, may vary from one species to another.

8. Eat healthy foods

In order to have good general health and keep this organ in excellent condition, it is very important to provide it with an adequate diet, low in fat and high in fiber.

In this way, you make sure that your colon will succeed in carrying out all of its essential functions in the best possible way.

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