8 Symptoms That Tell You That You Are Not In Good Health

It is very important to pay attention to the signs that we are going to tell you about, as well as possible changes in your body, as they can reveal abnormalities in your body, thus revealing the latent existence of a disease.

With the passage of time, our body experiences a series of physiological changes, which mark each of the stages of existence that we go through. What are the symptoms that indicate poor health?

It is common to notice that our skin undergoes some alterations. Or that our hair is starting to lose the shine it had when we were younger.

However, while these symptoms may seem completely normal as we get older, they should not be overlooked. Indeed,  they can reveal to us the existence of an anomaly in our body.

Even if we are still too ignorant of it, many diseases develop in a latent way while giving the first symptoms through changes in the condition of our skin, hair or nails.

It is therefore important to learn about the subject and to stay alert in the face of any change in our body. Find out how to achieve this in the rest of this article!

1. White hair before 40 years old

Gray hair is one of the first symptoms of aging. They usually appear between the ages of 40 and 45, depending on hair type, ethnicity and various genetic factors.

However, in some cases, they can appear well before this middle age, in your twenties.

If this aging process occurs during this period of life, it is often for hereditary reasons.

If 50% of your hair turns gray or white before you turn 40, there is a good chance that you have a relatively serious condition, such as diabetes or vitiligo.

In milder cases, it may be a consequence of an alteration of the thyroid, anemia or a nutrient deficiency.

2. The spots

Over the years, the skin is affected by the effects of UV rays from the sun, as well as environmental pollution.

This results in the appearance of premature wrinkles and various spots, which are usually benign.

Those that have a rather dark tint are linked to hormonal changes and too frequent exposure to various toxins.

On the other hand, those which are known as keratoses should be treated with care. Because they are related to the sun and can indicate the premature appearance of skin cancer.

Having strange spots, changes in moles, or redness for no apparent reason should prompt you to seek medical attention immediately.

3. Sparse eyebrows

Losing the fluff that forms your eyebrows is a problem that goes far beyond aesthetic considerations.

If they are getting thin, and they tend to decrease day by day, it is likely that you have hypothyroidism.

This disease makes the hairs more fragile and is usually accompanied by other symptoms. Like significant weight gain, constant fatigue and apparent fragility of the nails.

4. Droopy eyelids, one of the symptoms of poor health

The decrease in collagen and elastin in our body causes a general weakening of the skin, which in turn generates drooping eyelids.

This condition usually results from hereditary factors, but also from natural aging and exposure to the sun.

When the problem reaches such proportions that the eyelids interfere with the sight, it is advisable to undergo surgery.

5. Brittle hair

If your hair looks damaged and lifeless, it’s probably because it is lacking in care and your diet is not balanced enough.

If your ends are split and your scalp is dry, you are probably using too many chemicals. You may also be applying too much heat to your hair.

However, if these problems do not find a solution despite the use of appropriate treatments, we advise you to consult a doctor. He will be able to identify if you have any nutritional deficiency or even anemia.

6. Acne and blackheads

There are many factors that influence the appearance of blackheads and acne.

Among the most common are excess sebum production and excessive pore dilation.

However, these skin changes can also be a sign of too much stress. Hormonal imbalances or the use of inappropriate chemicals.

7. Yellow eyes

If the white part of your eyes is starting to take on a yellowish tinge, you may need a little more sleep. Or whether you are experiencing an episode of the day after the party.

However, if you do not identify with these two situations, you should immediately consult a specialist. Indeed,  yellow eyes are one of the symptoms of Gilbert’s disease.

This disease is characterized by a build-up of bilirubin in the blood, which produces jaundice.

8. Facial flushing

Facial reddening, also known as rosacea, affects women between the ages of 30 and 55.

Constant exposure to the sun, stress, and overly spicy meals cause the blood vessels to dilate. The face then takes on a redder tint.

In more rare cases, this problem can affect the eyes and be mistaken for lupus.

To receive an adequate diagnosis, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

As common as they may seem, these signs that we have just told you about can allow you to detect pathologies at the time of their formation.

Keep them in mind and do not hesitate to consult your doctor if you have the slightest doubt.

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