8 Natural Oils To Treat Cellulite

As essential oils penetrate deep into the skin, they help us treat the problem of cellulite from the root and fight it from the inside out.

On the aesthetic level, cellulite is one of the most common problems that women face. However, men are not exempt from suffering from it.

The causes of cellulite formation are diverse: hormones, genetics, diet and lifestyle can all be involved.

To combat it, you can opt for creams and treatments of the trade. Likewise, there is a wide variety of natural oils that can help eliminate or reduce cellulite.

Essential oils help treat cellulite from the root as they help the body get rid of toxins that build up in fat cells.

In addition, they also improve the circulation of blood in the body and supply oxygen to the skin cells.

1. Fennel oil, an ally for treating cellulite

It is an oil that will allow you to detoxify the body, by eliminating toxins that sometimes accumulate on the skin.

Fennel is recommended to increase the level of estrogen. This increases the production of collagen below the skin.

2. Citrus oil

Citrus oil

Vitamin C present in these oils promotes collagen production and strengthens the distribution of connective tissue under the skin. 

The oils with orange, lemon, tangerine and lime contribute to better blood circulation.

3. Cypress oil

This oil is extracted from the branches and leaves of the plant. It has antiseptic, astringent and diuretic properties. It thus improves lymphatic drainage and blood circulation.

In addition, it cleanses the skin and promotes the elimination of toxins.

It is also often used in aromatherapy, because its refreshing scent provides a relaxing effect.

4. Geranium oil, one of the best options for treating cellulite

This type of oil appears in the composition of creams to treat cellulite.

Thanks to its properties, it stimulates the lymphatic system by facilitating the elimination of liquids retained in the tissues of the body.

It is highly recommended for preventing cellulite because it helps regulate hormone and subcutaneous fat levels.

In addition, it helps to firm the skin.

5. Cinnamon oil

Cinnamon essential oil also strengthens connective tissue by improving skin tension. It thus eliminates impurities from the skin.

It is a very effective stimulant of cellulite tissue, thanks to its high content of magnesium and potassium.

If you can’t find cinnamon essential oil, you can add a teaspoon of cinnamon powder (5g) in your normal oil.

6. Birch oil

Birch oil has an astringent and purifying action. It manages to regenerate the skin.

It is a great ally in eliminating toxins and retained fluids that generate inflammation of the skin and promote the appearance of cellulite.

7. Coconut essential oil

It is one of the most used natural products in almost all beauty routines.

It is ideal for hydrating the skin and, thanks to its essential nutrients which penetrate deeply, it helps us fight cellulite.

It also acts as a natural firmer thanks to its ability to stimulate the production of elastin and collagen.

8. Rosehip essential oil, our latest suggestion for treating cellulite

Rosehip essential oil

Rosehip essential oil is another very effective oil for treating cellulite because it helps the body to regenerate its tissues.

This oil renews damaged skin cells and is a great help in combating stretch marks.

We owe all this to its high content of fatty acids, vitamins C and retinoic acid, among others.

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