7 Things About Breakfast You Need To Know

Did you know that like other meals of the day, breakfast should vary and contain different food groups? It should include protein, fiber, and vitamins.

Breakfast is one of the main meals of the day. And although some prefer to ignore it, it is fundamental to starting the day in a good mood while being productive.

Its daily consumption prevents the loss of energy from which the body suffers during the period of rest. It also provides it with  the necessary nutrients for its systems to function optimally.

Studies show that it is instrumental in activating metabolism as well as improving physical and intellectual performance.

However, many continue to leave their homes on an empty stomach. Or, failing that, by having eaten unsuitable foods at this time of day.

It is therefore essential to know its benefits, how to compose it and for what reasons is it so important to adopt it as a daily habit.

So below, we will present 7 interesting details to take into account today.

1. It prevents obesityon breakfast

People who are used to having a good breakfast are often less anxious about eating, compared to those who do not eat breakfast or who eat something of poor quality.

Likewise, there is a greater risk of becoming overweight and obese when breakfast is scarce or non-existent.

This is due to the fact that its nutrients are essential to keep the metabolism active, which is decisive for a good energy expenditure.

In addition, its consumption decreases successive snacking, which often leads to an excessive consumption of calories, fats and carbohydrates.

2. It must be varied

While it’s not about having a fancy menu for every day, nutritionists advise against falling into a routine.

Lunches and dinners are often prepared with a variety of ingredients, while we all tend to eat the same breakfast.

The problem is, it limits its nutritional quality and sometimes that’s the reason why many prefer to ignore it.

The ideal being that it contains various sources of:

  • Protein
  • Fibers
  • Antioxidants
  • Vitamins and Minerals
  • Omega 3 fatty acids

3. You must devote at least 20 minutes to it

Eating with envy is one of the habits that can affect the benefits of breakfast and any other main meal.

Breakfast doesn’t mean having coffee with cookies and running off to work.

It is a question of making complete meals from a nutritional point of view, and dedicating it between 20 and 30 minutes to consume it.

Being in a hurry not only increases the tendency to make poor food choices, but can also influence the development of digestive problems.

4. It is good to divide it into two takes

It is said that a good quality breakfast should be the equivalent of 25% of the daily calorie consumption.

However, this does not mean that it is necessary to eat everything at once.

You can imagine it in two takes, for example, one at home and one at your workplace, in the middle of the morning.

On the other hand, the first intake must be more consistent, because the second must not exceed 10% of daily energy.

5. It is used to control stress

Although many people don’t notice it, stress and bad mood throughout the day are the result of a nutrient-poor breakfast.

Spending too much time without eating causes the levels of glucose, the main fuel source in the body, to decrease.

It not only involves low physical energy, but also results in irritability, lack of focus, and emotional issues.

In addition, the body searches for other energy stores and using them triggers symptoms that affect the quality of life.

6. It should be taken at the first hour of the day

Late consumption of breakfast can lead to the development of gastritis and digestive discomfort.

The more time passes between waking time and this meal, the more anxiety increases as well as the production of gastric juices.

Also, it is strongly recommended to eat during the first hour after waking up.

If some people have difficulty eating this early, it is best to gradually get used to it.

7. Reduces the risk of heart diseaseon breakfast

It has very often been proven that a balanced breakfast of good nutritional quality decreases the risk of suffering from heart disease.

Not taking the necessary time to consume it often causes problems in blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.

In conclusion, it is essential to stop making excuses for not having a good breakfast every morning.

It is a necessary meal for our organism and its most important functions.

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