7 Natural Fly Repellents

Flies are unwanted insects in the household. To scare them away, you can test these natural repellents.

The buzz of flies chasing you into your dreams? To feel this insect circling around us is very disturbing. What we have to do is stop decorating our space to their liking. The flies feed on waste and feces. And if we leave a feast for them, they’ll never go away.

If you are one of those people who thinks “it doesn’t matter”, you are wrong. If you leave dishes in your sink, a trash can in the open, or do not collect your pet’s droppings on time, it will be very difficult for you to get rid of flies.

It doesn’t matter what remedies you use to fuel them. If you don’t keep your house neat and tidy, it won’t help.

However, even though we hate them, they are part of the food chain and are responsible for eating the dead animals. Also, let’s make sure they stay in their place.

Natural fly repellents

First of all, it should be clarified that there is no scientific evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of these natural repellents. These come from popular culture and so may work in some cases and not in others.

Nevertheless, it is worth pointing out that these are alternatives to harmful chemical insecticides. Some of us ignore it, but these products affect our health and the environment.

According to a study published in  Journal Cogent Medicine, the toxic substances present in these products can cause:

  • neurological symptoms (headaches, nausea, etc.)
  • breathing difficulties (pain, irritation, dyspnea, etc.)
  • gastrointestinal discomfort (nausea, vomiting, etc.)

Although there are very few cases of illness associated with the use of insecticides in the household, it is generally recommended that the use of these products be moderate or even avoided.

So, when it comes to scare away flies, it would be good to test some natural remedies made from natural ingredients. Take notes !

1. Cloves and lemon

This herb is used for more things than to flavor and flavor your meals. If you mix it with lemon, you will have a great homemade repellant.

Cloves scare away flies.
It seems that the aroma of cloves scares away flies. It is therefore an ideal natural repellent to avoid the presence of these insects.


  • 1 lemon
  • 12 cloves


  • Cut the lemon in half.
  • Plant the cloves in the lemon until it is completely filled.
  • Repeat with the other half.
  • Spread them around your house or on the windows.

The aroma they give off repels flies. If you want, you can repeat the process as many times as you need and place more lemons in your house to keep them away.

2. Lavender

Among the herbs that are good for the home, we undoubtedly find lavender among the first.

The aroma it gives off is a delight but, according to popular beliefs, it is also able to repel flies, fleas and even mosquitoes.

  • You can brew an infusion, have a plant, or just buy a few sprigs and distribute them around your home.

3. Water bag with vodka

A remedy guaranteed by grandmothers. All you have to do is put some vodka in a bag and place it outside, on windows and doors.

  • How does it work? The sun reflects off the water and prevents flies from entering. In addition, flies cannot stand the smell of vodka.

4. Vinegar

Vinegar is one of the most popular ingredients for household chores. One of the very effective repellents is vinegar. Its antiseptic and bactericidal properties eliminate flies.

Apple vinegar scares away flies
Apple vinegar has several household purposes. Among them is its ability to scare away flies.


  • 1/2 glass of vinegar (100 ml)
  • 10 drops of liquid detergent


  • First, heat the vinegar so that its aroma is more powerful.
  • When it is lukewarm, place it in a medium-sized container.
  • Add the 10 drops of liquid detergent and mix well until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Finally, distribute it to the places where you have a lot of insects and you will see them end up in the container.

5. Mint

Flies flee the scents of plants. Also, what you need to do is prepare the following mint fragrance so that they do not come back to you.


  • 1 small bottle
  • 1 sponge
  • 20 drops of mint
  • 1/2 cup of water (125 ml)


  • First, place the sponge in the bottle and pour a little water.
  • Add the 20 drops of mint and cover.
  • Let the mixture sit for 1 day.
  • After this time, uncork the bottle so that it gives off its scent and the flies move away.
  • You can use the scent until you notice the scent is gone.

6. Garlic

Garlic is one of the most widely used ingredients in the household. If for us its aroma and taste are pleasant in our meals, flies do not agree.

  • This is why you can repel them by rubbing garlic or simply placing cloves in containers where they are usually found.
Garlic scares away flies.
The aroma and taste of garlic is unpleasant to flies. Garlic is therefore a good option to scare them away.

7. Cucumber against flies

If you want to prevent flies from laying their eggs in your home, then try cucumber. It seems they don’t like the smell of cucumber either.

  • Cut it into slices and place some where they are. It can be next to the trash can, in nooks and crannies or on the table.
  • Try to follow this method for a week and you will see that there will be less.

So ?

Haven’t you tried these natural remedies to keep flies away from your home yet? As you will have noticed, they are easy to prepare and they contain reliable ingredients. In addition, unlike chemical insecticides, they are not harmful to health or the environment.

For these reasons, you can use these natural repellents as many times as you want. They do not cause allergies or contaminate the space. But keep in mind that they are likely not to be as powerful as commercial products.

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